Avis clients sur NextGen Office (2024)

15 ans à aider les entreprises luxembourgeoises
à choisir le meilleur logiciel

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Avis clients sur NextGen Office (2)

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En savoir plus sur NextGen Office

Obtenez de meilleurs résultats cliniques grâce aux solutions de dossier médical partagé/informatisé de NextGen. Des solutions qui vous aident à fournir des soins de haute qualité.

En savoir plus sur NextGen Office

Avantages :

Their advantage is that it is built for cloud from ground up. It has extensive proprietary APIs and open FHIR integration for interop.

Inconvénients :

The pricing is based on a per physician basis. If you have a provider leave your practice/company, you are not allowed to terminate prior to your next renewal date.

NextGen Office - Notes

Note moyenne

Facilité d'utilisation


Service client




Rapport qualité-prix


Probabilité de recommander le produit


NextGen Office a reçu une note globale de 4,0 étoiles sur 5 d'après 1.264 avis d'utilisateurs publiés sur Capterra.

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Note du produit

Note du produit

  • 5,0(428)
  • 4,0(534)
  • 3,0(190)
  • 2,0(48)
  • 1,0(64)



  • Luxembourg
  • États-Unis
  • Canada
  • Égypte
  • Inde


Secteur d'activité

  • Santé, bien-être et fitness
  • Cabinets médicaux
  • Psychologie
  • Hôpitaux et soins de santé
  • Logiciels
  • Services financiers
  • Comptabilité
  • Enseignement supérieur
  • Gestion de l'enseignement
  • Services et technologies de l'information

Taille de l'entreprise

  • Auto-entrepreneur
  • 2–10
  • 11–50
  • 51–200
  • 201–500
  • 501–1.000
  • 1.001–5.000
  • 5.001–10.000
  • 10.000+

Durée d'utilisation

  • Essai gratuit
  • 1 à 5 mois
  • 6 à 12 mois
  • plus d'un an
  • plus de deux ans

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Avis clients sur NextGen Office (3)


medical assistant

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Cabinets médicaux, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Not the best but not the worse

3,0il y a 4 ans

Sous-titres en français disponibles pour la vidéo

Avis clients sur NextGen Office (4)


graphic designer (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Design graphique, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

NextGen Office: A Powerful Work Tool for Increased Productivity

5,0l’année dernière

Avantages :

NextGen Office m'offre une puissance de travail accrue grâce à ses nombreux avantages tels que des fonctionnalités avancées, une interface conviviale et une compatibilité avec de nombreux formats de fichiers

Inconvénients :

NextGen Office experiences occasional problems requiring restarts


founder (Maroc)

Design graphique, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis


5,0il y a 12 mois

Commentaires :me facilite le travail

Avantages :

facilité d'utilisation et simple pour les administrations

Inconvénients :

je trouve pas d'inconvénients au contraire

Bon sevrvice

3,0l’année dernière

Avantages :

Produits facile à utiliser . Il nous aide à simplifier le processus

Inconvénients :

Non je vois qu'il bon et très utile pour moi

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Administration publique, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois

Source de l'avis

NextGen the best Office

5,0il y a 2 ans

Avantages :

Toute les caractéristiques souhaitées vous les trouverez dans ce logiciel. Avec sa simplicité d'utilisation, NextGen Office est incomparable avec d'autres applications.

Inconvénients :

A mon avis, NextGen Office me parait complet et je suis très satisfait de son utilisation. J'en conseille même toute personne ayant besoin de l'avoir.

Avis clients sur NextGen Office (5)


IT Manager (Égypte)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

A Perfect NextGen Solution for Small Independent Practices

5,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :It is a great addition for our small independent polyclinic and we are quite happy with how it has increased our productivity.

Avantages :

What is most prominent is a User friendly design focused on registering the patient and updating his status.Hassle free alert system with analytics designed for all types of procedures.Support for the program is strictly within the US and they offer hands on authentic support.

Inconvénients :

It was overwhelming the redundant amount of features they have available which may take a while to sift through and fully adapt.It is not very customizable and felt a little flimsy in that department.


Family Physician (É.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

family physician review

5,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :I'm overall happy. Every EHR system has its pros and cons, but I believe Nextgen Office has a very good combination of ease of use and overall cost.

Avantages :

It is very easy to complete my notes at the time of examination of the patients

Inconvénients :

whenever an upgrade or maintenance is completed over a weekend, many times we run into problems coming back to work on that Monday. For examples, slowness, screen freezes up, etc. The latest incident was this past weekend. It was eventually corrected on the Monday, but it slows us down.


Practice Administrator (É.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées:


Limited Customization & Difficult Corporate Team

1,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :I would not recommend working with this company/software. There are numerous options in the market at comparable price points that offer superior products.

Avantages :

Provides standard EMR and Practice Management functionality. If all you're looking for is a simple EMR to track your patient encounters, this software is a decent option.

Inconvénients :

1. Extremely difficult to transfer from other EMRs to this system. Beware that there will be a lot of manpower needed in order to get you up and running unless you're willing to pay expensive migration rates.2. Account management and customer support teams are unorganized and inefficient. Often you have difficulty finding somebody who can answer your questions.3. The pricing is based on a per physician basis. If you have a provider leave your practice/company, you are not allowed to terminate prior to your next renewal date. You could be left with significant fees for unused licenses if your company has any turnover. Their team offered no flexibility with fees during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Office Manager Medical Assistant (É.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Ease of Use

4,0il y a 3 mois

Avantages :

Nextgen is user friendly and easy to navigate. I have used other systems and this by far was the easiest to use.

Inconvénients :

The review of systems that we ask questions are not very customizable.


Attending (É.-U.)

Santé, bien-être et fitness, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Source : SoftwareAdvice

Get to know it

5,0il y a 5 ans

Commentaires :Took a while to learn the system, but in’s you learn the ins and outs of navigation it a breeze

Avantages :

Everything thing you need is there. Options are unlimited. Navigation is straight forward once you learn the system. Support is knowlegible and fast.

Inconvénients :

Tough to learn. Training team needs a lot to be desired

Avis clients sur NextGen Office (7)


Office Manager (É.-U.)

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Cabinets médicaux, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Pros and Cons

3,0il y a 3 ans

Commentaires :The only thing that it really solved is my doctor can dictate his note into the system the way he wanted to. But as far as the PM side, I would not choose this software again. It's not streamlined or user friendly as the demo's show and through training.

Avantages :

I purchased this software a little over a year ago and I still struggle with it from the PM side. The EHR side I do not work with a lot personally but my staff and doctors seem to like it pretty good. The scheduler is easy to read. Billing has a lot ways to track denials, rejections etc.

Inconvénients :

There are a lot of things that could be improved with the billing side. So many steps to make any corrections with payment postings. Constantly have to go from keyboard to clicking with the mouse instead of just clicking the "enter" key. May seem trivial but it does interrupt the stream of things.

Avis clients sur NextGen Office (8)


CEO (É.-U.)

Services et technologies de l'information, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Alternatives envisagées:


One of the best EHR Vendors around

5,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :I have had a wonderful experience with this software and it's auxiliary products. Even when things don't go as expected their customer support has been on top of it.

Avantages :

I like the immediate transition of the company since the new [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] has taken over. Their commitment to customer success with new edge technologies has been a great shift and kept me as a customer.

Inconvénients :

I dislike the fact that they don't have a bigger stack in the hospital industry of healthcare. I think this needs to change particularly with their api and interoperability stack.

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois

Source de l'avis

NextGen Office, still a leader in patient/physician communication!

4,0il y a 9 mois

Commentaires :I am generally pleased with NextGen Office. Like any EHR system, it has its advantages and disadvantages, but I find that NextGen Office strikes a good balance between user-friendliness and cost-effectiveness.

Avantages :

One of its strong points is the ease with which I can complete patient notes during examinations.

Inconvénients :

The only downside I've encountered is related to system upgrades or maintenance performed over weekends. This sometimes leads to issues like slowness and screen freezes when we return to work on Mondays. The most recent incident occurred this past weekend but was eventually resolved on Monday, albeit causing some delays.


Quality Engineer (R.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

An excellent EHR tool that makes patient management and care management very easy

4,0il y a 3 mois

Commentaires :Overall its a nice and easy to use tool. Support is great and very prompt.

Avantages :

It has billing and has support for medicare and medicaid. It also has different templates for different conditions which makes management easier.

Inconvénients :

The management pages are pretty cumbersome to setup. Once that is done its easy to use


Administrator (É.-U.)

Hôpitaux et soins de santé, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

The best tank, but cumbersome for smaller practices

4,0il y a 3 mois

Avantages :

Comprehensive and able to personalize. Confidence in a well-backed company.

Inconvénients :

Expensive to run and tailor make/ personalize.


Manager (Nouvelle-Zélande)

Santé, bien-être et fitness, Auto-entrepreneur

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Next Gen Office from a Person who is not techie

5,0l’année dernière

Commentaires :The system provides a centralised and organized repository for patient data and medical records, making it easier to access and manage patient information. The appointment scheduling feature helps reduce wait times and improve patient satisfaction by streamlining the scheduling process. The billing and invoicing features of NextGen Office help automate the process of submitting insurance claims, tracking payment status, and generating invoices, making it easier to manage financial operations. The workflow management features of NextGen Office help streamline processes and improve overall operations within the healthcare organisation.Benefits Improved patient care: The system provides healthcare providers with quick and easy access to patient information, allowing for better-informed decision making and improved patient care. The integration of appointment scheduling, billing, and other features help reduce administrative tasks and increase overall efficiency within the healthcare organisation. The billing and invoicing features of NextGen Office help improve financial management by automating the process of submitting insurance claims and generating invoices. NextGen Office is designed to meet HIPAA regulations, ensuring the secure storage and transmission of patient information. The system is highly customisable and can be adapted to meet the specific needs of each healthcare organisation.

Avantages :

There are several benefits to using NextGen Office, including its user-friendly interface, robust functionality, and strong customer support. The system is well-suited for small and mid-sized healthcare organizations and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each organization. It also integrates with other healthcare technologies, allowing for seamless workflow and improved patient care.

Inconvénients :

Some users have reported that NextGen Office can be slow or unreliable at times, and that certain features may require additional technical support. Some users have also reported that the software may not have all the features and functionality required by larger healthcare organizations. Additionally, the cost of implementing NextGen Office and maintaining it over time can be a significant investment for some organizations.


IT Program and Project Manager (É.-U.)

Cabinets médicaux, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Source : SoftwareAdvice

IT Program/Project Manager

5,0il y a 6 ans

Commentaires :In 2006, a 3rd party integrator (no longer in business) sold NextGen to our organization and since this was their first time installing it, the installation and configuration was barely implemented. To mitigate, in 2011, additional Practice Management training from NextGen and EHR Training/template development resources from Ciscon were engaged to review billing processes and create clinical workflows. Thanks to NextGen/Ciscon, we were able to launch the EHR in 2013. Since then, they have helped us make significant improvements to the clinical workflow (customizing templates) and billing processing. In 2016, the NextGen reports allowed us to start receiving CMS Meaningful Use/ACI incentive funds.

Avantages :

1. Highly configurable...an organization can develop/program/configure any template or drop-down list box to tailor it to their clinical staff!2. Software includes everything a clinic/hospital needs...and with NextGen's MirthConnect product, any interface or integration to another system is possible and easy! Besides the EHR and Practice Management, NextGen provides a Patient Portal, ePrescribe capability, Rosetta and MirthConnect (allowing interfaces to any system like LabCorp, Quest, Immunization Registries.), and much more!3. NextGen Support is awesome...and if there is a new staff member, just request Tier 2 or Tier 3 support techs so your challenges are addressed quickly by experts in every area of the product!4. NextGen Training is helpful from knowledgeable and experienced staff who have worked in clinical and front office environments. For any upgrades or projects, or if you are brand new, leverage the advanced trainers for additional training for staff and learning how to utilize/configure the system by having them review your configuration.5. NextGen Development and NextGen 3rd Party Integrators (like Ciscon) are amazing to work with...If you don't have time to develop templates or learn, contact them to obtain a quote. I have been most impressed with support team at Ciscon! They have been able to streamline Provider templates and save tons of clicks so the Providers just adore and appreciate the efforts! They were also able to train all the clinical staff on the new workflows.

Inconvénients :

Like any EHR (vs a paper chart), there are lots of clicks for the clinical staff members.In addition, the graphical user interface was so new to staff, this caused delays in the encounters.(To mitigate, we spent time, money, and effort on training users as well as building customized templates...This was worth every penny!)


Referral Coordinator (É.-U.)

Cabinets médicaux, 501–1.000 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

A medical records system you can trust!

5,0il y a 2 ans

Commentaires :My overall experience has been very positive. It was an easy system to learn, with reliable customer service and support.

Avantages :

Nextgen is an ideal platform when operating across multiple office locations or affiliate offices under one corporation. Medical records are viewable in one platform without having to log in and out for each location. Patients are easily searchable with alerts to prevent accidental adding of duplicate charts. You can add a feature to check insurance eligibility on both medical record and practice management side. And encounters instantly populate on both sides, making transferring from front desk to clinic seemless. It is easy to set up alerts for patients, whilst maintaining privacy features to protect their data. There is the ability to add a database of referring providers, which makes it easy to send referrals and records confidentially without having to print, scan or fax documents. You can also utilities a tasking feature to send trackable messages or assignments across locations or departments.

Inconvénients :

There are so many features it can feel a little overwhelming at first. It is highly recommended to take advantage of any training offered on this platform on order to best take advantage of everything it has to offer.


RN/Ehr coordinator (É.-U.)

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

We have been on Nextgen since 2009. We are a pain specialty. We had MAPS templates for paincare we

4,0il y a 7 ans

Avantages :

The customizations that are possible. WE are a specialty so it is important to capture the data, that is not always PCP. We have needs for rx report to be integrated which is coming in the new upgrade. We need to interface labs so doctors have quick and easy access to results. We have a responsibility to the community to keep them safe from people misusing or selling their medications. The templates and documents are easy to customize. The Nextgen support is helpful. We are excited to hear what the future hold for paincare, through their VAR Itelagen. The integration between EHR and EPM is coming along. Interfacing with labs, HIE. The reporting is made easy captured in the back ground for MIPS. They provide access to websites to become experts in there system. The help desk is not afraid to say if they don't know something and direct you to someone that does. The hosting is made easy. We are told it will be a 30-45 day transition very excited. The application has come a long way in looks it has been designed to be easy to access, it has shortcuts that only need to be hovered over to see data a quick glance. The Patient education was a nice add. It is user friendly and attaches to the encounter as a record it was done. The clinical reconciliation is a great add and makes things easy.

Inconvénients :

I wish the upgrades were easier. oTHERWISE i AM VERY HAPPY WITH THE SYSTEM.


Practice Manager (É.-U.)

Santé, bien-être et fitness, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Worst RCM and Customer Service

1,0il y a 12 mois

Commentaires :Horrible experience.

Avantages :

Did not like. We switched from server based NexGen to MediTouch/Healthfusion in 2013. Unfortunately, NextGen bought out the company.

Inconvénients :

Overall, the software works. However, the company forces you into auto renew yearly contracts. Even when we tried to cancel the RCM company a month before the service was set to renew (which technically the Go Live date was two months after notification), they made excuses not to cancel. First it was that we did not cancel. Then it was that we did not cancel with Clinic Anywhere. Then it was that the balance needed to be up to date before they would cancel. Mind you, we were losing money with their lack of collections and their lack of knowledge of billing. I will not get into the billing specific issues here, but any biller should know what they were doing incorrectly. This is what happens with overseas outsourcing. We walked away from the company after 10 years because of their unreasonable negotiation with dropping the RCM portion of the contract.


Office Manager (É.-U.)

Cabinets médicaux, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Source : SoftwareAdvice

Alternatives envisagées:



3,0il y a 5 ans

Avantages :

The system is pretty easy to use. There are multiple ways to do pretty much everything in the system. Very rarely does the system go down.

Inconvénients :

Easy to delete some things. The system seems slow frequently but it is fixed fairly quickly.


Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : Non fourni

Source de l'avis

Source : SoftwareAdvice

5,0il y a 13 ans

Commentaires :We are a relatively small 6-provider midwifery practice in Anchorage, Alaska. We used Lytec for years, but wanted to move to something web-based that was highly functional, but also affordable for mid-level providers. HealthFusion stood out as one of the only companies that was willing to differentiate in pricing between a group of MD's, and a group of NP's and midwives, as the difference in the amount of reimbursem*nt is obviously significant. We found the [slightly more time-intensive] self-serve training process to be well worth the savings in up-front costs, which was another big difference between HealthFusion and other players in the market, like Advanced MD and NeuMD, to name a few. We find it quite easy to use, on the whole. We appreciate the fact that when we do make suggestions as to how to improve certain processes or interfaces, our suggestions tend to be adopted, or at least addressed by the engineers, via customer service... And speaking of customer service, theirs really is excellent, as their salespeople will of course tell you. Our calls are always answered promptly and our issues dealt with promptly - plus virtually everyone on their CS staff is extraordinarily pleasant to talk to, so calling CS is never a chore. I also like the fact that their sales people stay in touch with the customers, so I can always call Greg and get the same level of attention that we did when he was trying to make the sale, which I've discovered is quite rare among other companies. The only gripe we might have - and I have no way of knowing whether this is unique to them or par for the course among web-based software providers - is that the site does go down or experience difficulties about once every other month, but usually only for a few hours. Certain processes like posting insurance payments take longer with HealthFusion than with our old client-server software, but that is also partly because our old software just let you input whatever you wanted, whereas HealthFusion has you posting the actual insurance checks before you can apply the payment to claims so that they are linked and verifiable. This is but one example of how their PM can be more time-consuming to use, but is much more rigorous from an accounting and audit standpoint, which is good overall. I trust the numbers that come out of HealthFusion's PM much more than Lytec's reports for things like outstanding A/R and productivity numbers for each provider. I've had an easier time staying on top of aging claims with HealthFusion than I used to with our old software. Overall we are very happy with HealthFusion's PM, and are just now starting the process of integrating their EMR into our practice.


Digital marketing Executive (Inde)

Services et technologies de l'information, 201–500 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

NextGen Office: A Cloud-Based Productivity Suite

4,0il y a 2 ans

Avantages :

NextGen Office is a cloud-based office productivity suite that includes tools for word processing, spreadsheet management, and presentation creation. One pro of NextGen Office is that it is accessible from any device with an internet connection, allowing users to work from anywhere and collaborate with colleagues in real time. Additionally, NextGen Office is typically less expensive than traditional office productivity software, as it is subscription-based rather than requiring a one-time purchase. This can make it a more cost-effective solution for businesses and individuals.

Inconvénients :

One potential con of NextGen Office is that it may require an internet connection in order to access and use the tools and features of the platform. This could potentially be an issue for users who need to work offline or do not have reliable internet access. Additionally, some users may prefer the more advanced features and customization options available in other office productivity suites, such as Microsoft Office or Google Workspace. As with any software or platform, it is important for users to carefully evaluate the pros and cons to determine if NextGen Office is the right fit for their needs.

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Cabinets médicaux, 2–10 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Source : GetApp

Incompetence with revenue cycle team and poorly built EMR

3,0il y a 5 mois

Commentaires :Poor. Been with this EMR for over 5 years and it seems to get worse every year. When you point out problems they just refer you to a different "team" within nextgen and this process continues while mistakes continue to be made. Very poor communication.

Avantages :

Its relatively cheap, however you get what you pay for...

Inconvénients :

Recurrent multiple mistakes by billing side (revenue cycle), very poor communication. Multiple teams handle your account but none of these teams communicate with each other causing recurrent mistakes and constant oversight by the user

Réponse de l'équipe de NextGen Healthcare

il y a 5 mois

We hear your frustration. Thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention. The experience you describe falls far short of the high standards we set for ourselves. If you are open to a live conversation, I would welcome learning additional details. Please email me at [emailprotected] with some time options that work for you, and we’ll set up a call. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Colleen Edwards


IT Manager (É.-U.)

Santé, bien-être et fitness, 11–50 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans

Source de l'avis

Source : SoftwareAdvice

Powerful But Steep Learning Curve

4,0il y a 4 ans

Commentaires :NextGen is a very powerful and highly customizable EHR and practice management suite. It is especially handy and speedy if you have it hosted on premise along with a powerful server for SQL. With the right expertise, NextGen can be customized to exactly how you want it to behave. The interface may look a little dated at this point but functionally it is very good. You may also want fairly beefy PCs since the fat client is resource intensive. Having a NG trained expert (or power user) on call/site is extremely helpful as well to get the settings, auto-flow, and templates setup correctly for your practice. NG is really good for medium sized practices as it can handle multiple practices, providers, and specialties all at once. Some setup tasks can be repetitive (and should really be fixed) but once you get familiar with it, and can stomach the licensing costs, NG will serve your practice well as a long term EHR.

Avantages :

NextGen is vastly powerful and has lots of feature that are either built in or can be added.Good SQL performance.Flexible and customizable.

Inconvénients :

Steep learning curve, onsite SME highly recommended.Expensive licensingHigh server and PC requirement to get the best performance

Utilisateur vérifié

Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié

Gestion de l'enseignement, 51–200 employés

Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an

Source de l'avis

Be prepared to train your employees forever!

4,0il y a 6 ans

Avantages :

I like that there are two distinctive sides to this software: Practice Management and the EHR. This makes everything difficult though when learning it for the first time. It really breaks up what would be a fairly daunting task of switching to this system. I love that patients are able to register their information before their first visit-- this makes entering in new patients so much easier and faster.

Inconvénients :

You can only do some things through Practice Management and many others through the EHR. When admitting new patients I have to toggle between the two and often have to have several browser tabs open while entering in patient data. It took seemingly forever to figure out what kind of profile employees should be on-- should we all be administrators or not? We found that some permissions were not granted if everyone was not made to be an administrator and vital abilities were lost to some employees. After learning this system for about a year we are still figuring out ways to work with this system a little better. It is not intuitive and it is difficult to learn. There has to be a better system out there when switching to Electronic Medical Records.

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Avis clients sur NextGen Office (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Views: 5373

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.