CROWN ASSET MANAGMENT, LLC vs. REBECCA Z CORONA, et al, 23-CLJ-01251, Complaint 1-Complaint (Cal. St., San Mateo Co., Super. Ct. Mar. 17, 2023) (2024)

`Persolve Legal Group, LLP
`3 California Debt Collection License number is pending.
`9301 Corbin Avenue, Suite 1600
`4 Northridge, CA 91324
`866-438-1259; 818-534-3100; 818-534-3140 (FAX)
`5 Refer to File Number: C2206749
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`REBECCA Z CORONA, an individual;
`and DOES 1-100, inclusive,
`1) Open Book Account;
`2) Money Lent; and
`3) Account Stated.
`Amount Demanded: $1,643.95
`Plaintiff CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC ("Plaintiff'), complains and alleges as follows:
`This suit concerns a credit card account that was purchased by CROWN ASSET
`19 MANAGEMENT, LLC, the successor in interest to Comenity Bank ("Original Creditor") after January
`I, 2014, and therefore, is subject to California Civil Code section 1788.50, et seq. Pursuant to California
`21 Civil Code section 1788.58(a)(l)- (9):
`CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC is a debt buyer. California Debt Collection
`23 License number is pending.
`Comenity Bank issued a credit card account to Defendant(s). Defendant(s) used, or
`authorized the use of, the credit card account to make purchases and/or transactions. Defendant(s)
`received periodic billing statements for the credit card account. Defendant(s) defaulted in making the
`required payments. Subsequently, the credit card account was assigned to Plaintiff and all right, title and
`interest in the credit card account were transferred to Plaintiff. Comenity Bank is the charge-off creditor.


`CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC is the sole owner of the account at issue.
`October I 0, 2021 is the last payment date before charge off. See Exhibit "I" attached
`hereto. The account remained open until it was charged off on May 31, 2022, with a balance of
`$1,643.95. There is now due and owing to Plaintiff the unpaid sum of$1,643.95. No post charge off
`interest or fees are included in this sum.
`The last known address that the charge-off creditor had for Defendant(s) is: REBECCA
`Prior to the commencement of this action, Comenity Bank, PO BOX 182272,
`9 COLUMBUS, OHIO, 43218-2273 who was the creditor at charge off, for valuable consideration,
`assigned, transferred, and set over to CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC, 3100 BRECKINRIDGE
`11 BLVD STE 725, Duluth, GA 30096, Defendant's Comenity Bank account number *****5232 ("the
`12 within indebtedness"). Plaintiff is now the holder of the assigned rights in its chose in action of said
`claims and the sole owner of the debt at issue.
`Plaintiff has complied with section 1788.52 of the California Civil Code.
`(Open Book Account Against All Defendants)
`Plaintiff repeats, re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations for
`paragraphs I through 8, inclusive, as though set forth at length herein.
`At all times mentioned herein, Plaintiff, CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC was,
`and is, a Limited Liability Company formed and maintained under and pursuant to the laws of the State
`of Georgia, and has complied with all requirements to transact business in the State of California.
`Prior to the commencement of this action, Plaintiff is the successor in interest to Comenity
`23 Bank, who for valuable consideration, assigned, transferred, and set over to Plaintiff, the within
`indebtedness of the Defendant(s) and Plaintiff is now the holder of the assigned rights in said claims.
`This cause of action is being brought in this jurisdiction and venue due to the fact that the
`26 Defendant(s) currentlyreside(s) here.
`The true names and capacities of Defendant DOES I through I 00, inclusive, are unknown
`to Plaintiff at this time, who therefore sues said Defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff is


`informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that each Defendant named as a DOE is responsible for each
`and every obligation hereinafter set forth.
`Plaintiff is further informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that each Defendant named
`in this Complaint, was at all times herein mentioned, and now is, the agent and employee of each of the
`5 other Defendants herein, and was at all such times acting within the course and scope of said agency and
`Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereupon alleges, that at all times herein
`8 mentioned, the Defendant(s ), and each of them, is responsible in some manner for the occurrences herein
`alleged, and that the Plaintiff's damages, as hereinafter alleged, were proximately caused by the acts of
`such Defendant(s), and each of them.
`The within action is not subject to the provisions of Section 2981, et seq., (Rees-Levering
`12 Act) and Section 1801, et seq., (Unruh Act) of the Civil Code of the State of California.
`17. Within the last four years, Defendant(s) and each of them, became indebted to the Original
`14 Creditor on an open book account per California Code of Civil Procedure section 337a, in the sum of
`There is now due and owing to Plaintiff the unpaid sum of $1,643.95.
`(Money Lent Against All Defendants)
`Plaintiff repeats, re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference the allegations for
`20 paragraphs I through 18, inclusive, as though set forth at length herein.
`20. Within the last four years, Defendant(s), and each of them, became indebted to the
`22 Original Creditor in the principal amount of$1,643.95, for money advanced, lent, paid, laid out and/or
`expended to said Defendant(s), and each of them, and/or for the benefit ofDefendant(s), and each of
`them, at the specific request and/or direction ofDefendant(s), and each of them.
`There is now due and owing to Plaintiff the unpaid sum of $1,643.95.


`(Account Stated Against All Defendants)
`Plaintiff repeats, re-alleges and incorporates herein by this reference all allegations set
`forth in paragraphs I through 21 inclusive, as though set forth at length herein.
`23. Within the last four years, an account was stated by and between the Original Creditor and
`6 Defendant(s), and each of them, and it was agreed that the principal sum stated of$1,643.95 was due and
`7 owmg.
`No part of said sum has been paid since October 10, 2021, although demand for full
`9 payment has been made. There is now due and owing to Plaintiff the unpaid sum of $1,643.95.
`WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendant(s ), and each of them, as follows:
`For damages in the principal sum of$1,643.95;
`For costs of suit incurred herein; and
`For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.
`Dated: 03/02/2023
`Persolve Legal Group, LLP
`Attorney for Plaintiff


`I, the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff in the within entitled action, make this affidavit
`3 pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §§ 395(b) and 396a. This action is filed in this judicial district
`4 because, according to my client, the defendant(s) currentlyreside(s) here.
`I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is
`true and correct. I make this declaration on
`, at Northridge, California.
`Persolve Legal Group, LLP
`Attorney for Plaintiff




`Summary of account activity
`Account no
`Previous balance
`Other credrts
`Fees charged
`Interest charged
`New balance
`Past due amount
`Credrt limit
`Available credit
`Statement closing date
`Days in billing cycle
`0 00
`0 00
`0 00
`0 00
`0 00
`Payment information
`New balance
`Minimum payment due
`Payment due date
`Late payment warning:
`If we do not receive your minimum payment by 11/18/2021 you may
`have to pay up to a $40 00 late fee
`Minimum payment warning: If you make only the minimum
`payment for each period. you will pay mom in intemst and it will take
`you longer to pay off your balances For example
`If you make no additional
`charges using this card
`and each month you pay:
`Ono/ the minimum payment
`And you will
`You will pay off
`the balance shown end up paying an
`on the statement
`estimated total
`in about:
`4 years
`For information regarding credit rounseling services.
`call 1-800-284-1706
`Account Questions? Neecl to make a
`Visit comenfty.neflexpress or cal I
`Want to know how to
`Skip signing in to
`reacler to scan the
`aml use Comenity's EasyPay. It's sate aml convenient. Use your smartphone camera or cmle
`cmle printecl on your payment stub below to get startecl.
`EXPRESS Rewards Summary
`Psst ... don't forget to complete
`your profile 1 Visit
`express com/Jnsider to access all
`your benefits, track your points &
`earn Rewards *
`Check out our new Express
`•Track your points & redeem
`•Receive exclusive Express
`Insider offers
`•Earn bonus points for reviewing
`Download Express App & get
`25% off***
`Details of your transact10ns
`Total fees charged for this period
`Interest charged
`Interest charge on purchases
`Total interest for this period
`2021 totals year to date
`Total fees charged in 2021
`Total intemst charged in 2021
`________________________________ NOTICE Soo rav,,rsasidafor imponnm i~formntio~ _______________________________________ _
`Plemte tear at perforation above
`□ Yes, I have moved or updated my
`e-mail address - see reverse
`·h1 11 •111ll11·l·•11•11111•111•1•111111l·ll1•11l··1•11l11 ••1lll11
`PO BOX421
`PESCADERO CA 94060-0421
`New balance
`Mailed payments must reach us by 6pm ET
`on 11/18/2021.
`Minimum payment
`Please make check payable tff
`Please return this portion along with your payment tff
`PO BOX 650972
`DALLAS TX 75265-0972


`Koop this portion for your records
`What To Do If You Think You Find A Mislake On Your Statement
`• V,o can apply any unpad anwuni a;;a,rd your crod,i Im Hi
`Your Rights If You Aro Dissatisfied With Your Credit Cairl Purchases
`• Dis
`Supporting Documentation· Ii avad
`CUSTOMER SERVICE Visit comenily net/express or call 1-&)U-?O 1-4%;,
`rllJIJfllY 1-&)U-6%-1/RR)
`Send all inquiries lo· CUSTOMER SERVICE PO Box 182273 Columbus
`OH 43218-2273
`Send all bankruptcy notices and related correspondence lo Comenily Bank
`Bankruptcy Department PO Box 182125 Columbus OH 43218-2125
`New Information
`First Nam~ __________________ Ml
`Last Ncn>1e ____________________ _
`Soc Sec No _______ _
`Street Address ________________________________ _
`Apt. No ________ _
`RR __________ PO Box
`City __________ _
`State _ _ _ _
`Zip Code
`Foreign Map Code ___ _
`Horne Phone ______________ Work Phone ______________ _
`Email Add re s s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


`Interest charge calculatIon
`Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your acrount See BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD
`on page 2 for mom details Minimum interest charge may exceed interest charge below. per your cmdit card agmement
`44 68 (DA)
`Purchases prior to 04/18/2018
`1.140 35 (DA)
`24 9900"/c (v)
`26 9900% (v)
`AddItIonal important messages
`Save on Interest Payment: You can check Account Center 24/7 for up-to-date balance and payment
`amounts including any new payments, transactions, fees and daily accruing interest
`You can avoid accruing additional daily interest on non-promotional purchases by paying the Save on
`Interest Payment amount by your billing statement due date
`The Save on Interest Payment includes:
`• The balance of all non-promotional purchases and cash advances
`• The full remaining balance of deferred interest promotional credit plans expiring in the billing period
`• The required minimum payment amount for any other promotional credit plan or balance transfer
`• Interest charges calculated from the last billing date
`Affected by COVID-19? Comenity Bank Offers Support
`As the bank that manages your credit card, our hearts go out to those affected by the coronavirus
`(COVID-19) pandemic
`The support we're extending to you. If you're experiencing financial hardship because of COVID-19,
`please call 1 ·800-695-8202 (TDD/TTY: 1 ·800-695-1788) to discuss how we may be able to help
`Account Center is available 2417 for you to manage your EXPRESS account online. You can
`make payments and view your balance, transactions and statements online Not yet registered? Visit
`comenity net/express, enter your EXPRESS credit card account number and ZIP code, then verity your
`We're looking out for you. We remain focused on the health and well-being of our customers and
`associates, and we'll continue to stay on top of what's happening during the pandemic so we can best
`support you
`We may occasionally provide a credit for the amount, part or all, of a late fee charged to your account If
`we do, we will charge a fee of up to $40 00 for any subsequent late payment In addition, we may reverse
`the credit and repost the charge to your account if you fail to make the minimum payment due on or
`before the due date in the next billing period
`*2X points equals 20 points per $1 spent Offer is available to all Express Insider members Excludes
`purchases covered by the redemption of a Reward or program coupon, EXPRESS Style Trial
`transactions, gift boxes and gift wrapping services online, redemption of gift cards, sales tax, state fees
`and shipping charges or delivery This rewards program is provided by Express and its terms may change
`at any time For full Rewards Terms and Conditions, please see http://express com/insiderrules
`Credit card offers are subject to credit approval
`Express Credit Card Accounts are issued by Comenity Bank
`***App 25% off: Valid until end of download month New downloads only Customers will receive offer one
`hour after download ln-app ring code may only be used once and cannot be combined with any other
`coupons or storewide offers Not valid on Featured Brands, clearance items or previous purchases Other
`restrictions may apply See store or express com for details Taxes payable after discount is deducted If
`you return a portion of your purchase a portion of the discount will be lost Cannot be used to purchase


`AddItIonal important messages ~ continued
`Express gift cards Valid at Express and Express Men stores only in the U S and online at express com
`Not valid at Express Factory Outlet stores Associates are not eligible
`PAGE 4 OF 4
`Protect yourself against mail and phone consumer fraud
`http://about usps com/publications/pub281/welcome htm
`GO PAPERLESS and manage your account online!
`With paperless billing, you receive an email reminder prior to your payment due date Get started today by
`visiting comenity net/express
`STEP 1: Sign in or register your account STEP 2: Select Go Paperless and sign up
`The redesigned Account Center features a streamlined view of important information
`and easy access to services you use the most. Plus, even more great updates to come!
`Better experience. More convenience.

We are redirecting you
to a mobile optimized page.

CROWN ASSET MANAGMENT, LLC vs. REBECCA Z CORONA, et al, 23-CLJ-01251, Complaint 1-Complaint (Cal. St., San Mateo Co., Super. Ct. Mar. 17, 2023) (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.