The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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ci law" ts-rirrrNrry-r'rr4''irvPiP7Drrkrrip-v-rwP-v-rlri I FURIIITURE CO- Four Babies Die In Home Fire Iit k'qartullts (outirrurr Thurs Nov 10 1955 231 Man Given Life Term Second Time 1 tr' 1 -1r 4 -4 404404 0 711 400 41 It HERE IS WilY YO'd ALWAYS SAVE AT VIOODLIMH WE'RE OUT OF THE "HIGH RENT" DISTRICT AND OUR OVERHEAD IS LOWER WE PASS ii THESE SAVINGS ON TO YOU OUR CUSTOMERS 1 YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND LOW PRICES ON FAMOUS MERCHAND1SE WOODLAW-N- TERMS TO SUIT I YOUR CONVENIENCE GEORGETOWN children ranging from seven weeks to two years old died In a fire which destroyed their home near Andrews Monday Georgetown County Coroner John A Broach said the mother or two of the children Geneva Cumbee related that she left the quartet In the house to go to her father In-law's a distanee of about onequarter mile She said she left a meal cooking on a stove SUMTER James Cooper an Inmate of the state prison farm near Boykin Wednes day faced his second life sentence A jury in General Sessical court convicted him Tuesday of mur der in the fatal stabbing of Levi tVashington a fell-rv prisoner last spring Cooper was sentenced to life imprisonment Ile already was serving a life sentence imposed In Dillon County for murder -----7 BARRY CLARK I The woman told Broach she saw the fire while in the yard of the other house and ran back with her father-in-law as fast as she could It was too late to get into the house however The dead children: Regina Diane Cumbee 22 months: Jannie Marie Cumbee 7 weeks: Thomas Lee Rubinson 2 and Marion Robinson 6 months wsoo40- at" 1 I lb- tetelloe 14 Charlottean Will Direct UNGTV Unit Emne Emo mon Two Darlington 1 Men Being Held FLORENCE Two Dar lington County Negroes were re leased on $300 bond each here Wednesday by Commissioner Tyson Jr They were arrested Tuesday night in Darlington County at an illicit lAtiskey distillery The men identified as Curtis Blakney and Craig flamonds are scheduled for -Iwo oar lington County Negroes were re leased on $300 bond each here Wednesday by Commissioner Tyson Jr They were arrested Tuesday night in Darlington County at an illicit whiskey distillery The men identified as Curtis Blakney and Craig Hamonds are scheduled for Babs Ex-I'enitis Star ilre PARIS UPI Woolworth heir- said "I am very happy" as she ess Barbara Hutton took her sixth Posed for photographers with her husband Tuesday Ger husband in their Ritz Hotel suite Despite a touch of bronchitis and man tennis sta Baron Gottfried a slight fever she appeared much von Cramm She made no glowing more rested and happy than when predictions for the future and she faced photographers tired and skipped champagne ill beside husband No 5 Porfirio! trial in the December term of Instead she smiled quietly and 1Rubirosa more than a year ago court here r-- ---741---7-----Trry Tz itA- -s: 1 -'-71-: ts ot I Vitu-- '4' i A 1 -44i i 1 4 lea1164116604016a40 40 r' 's A amoof 0 11P AirJal 13)444 t''44410 Ii -tvas 11 401011114117111SWOritAioMMNIAlmognant st Wr 7- 1 0- p1 4 J1014 I 44' pp 't i -1-L14 11:2606 441i vi vN'' 4- tf44t 0 4 ei mit A AE-111 0 r- '96' 1 vv bom00: 4 ti tn-- i -JM 4 -i 409s 1 -e e4 A il 15 te7-0 0 't: ye t14- rt 24t 4 Is Is 0 rA 1 ofi- Cb A4 40'0'71'1 1' 1 -4-0 t1' rt '4-v-e---t-1-1 '1-)100A---- p'T 1-1i r-- 1 1 -411 -f 1 4 )1101 1 1 t'y 4 VA 1 4" -'-il- 1 ''i '-0 1v sh t4 Clr': 'AV" co' 1 3- 10 t' J444 -111 A' i CHAPEL HILL Barry Clark' of Charlotte was named Wednesday student chief of the Television and Bailin Section of the IINC News Bureau it was announced by Pete Ivey director It was the first of several appointments of students working on a voluntary basis with the News Bureau in covering University life and presenting news from Chapel Hill WOODLAWNIS PRICE nil ril ANANlic Clark will be in charge of re Iationships between the News Bureau ond TV and radio including commercial stations of educational television f-f I Beautifully Styled Specially Priced FOAM RUBBER 1-Cushion SOFA Covered in a lovely Turquoise Nubby Fabric A beautiful sofa styled and designed exclusively for those who appreciate fine quality at special low prices Featuring foam rubber cushions reinforced tempered steel coil spring base and web construction upholstered in durable modern nubby weave fabrics Shop early and save $5500 Reg $16995 Value 1- INPIrr 4 ip I eetilia lititit MAP: "tit* 4j 00 The son of Clark news ie tditor of WBTV in Charlotte Barry Clark has several years ex'i perience in radio and television Be is a sophom*ore in the Uni1 Versity and plans to make a Career of communications For sevieat weeks Clark has been representing the News Bureau in telecasts of University news and the announcement by Director Ivey today establishes the Charlotte student in the formal position of student TV and Radio director Try-outs for other student assistants as reporters feature writers and other work with the I News Bureau will be held Thurs day Nov to at 2 in in the News Bureau office in Bynum Ilan Your $300 Value Imperial Chest will be the talk of the town An ornamental dispenser of cigarettes or candy a hideaway for jewels Distinctively engraved in authentic Oriental design Decorative teakwood matching base Ad justable interior partitions Irsorxtr In Jade Green or Oriental Red Styron USE THIS COUPON TO ORDER YOUR IMPERIAL CHEST Chinese Mond Sox I Evanston Illinois Moose seed oo Onoorial Choate For oath clout I ono moo (ilioot $125 los st000s olooto) ood I label from coy Cionoso Mold Product Of not solishod I mon rotten for Nil $125toIsod NAULADDRESS CITY AND STATE COLOR IJAOE GREEN 01 ORIENTAL NEW CSICti ONE Pleoub 0110W 3 weolgs for doliYin Eh 4y otter may I) witlidrows without cow wit IP1111M Oriental Foods Dolmas Conlon Combo -Pelt Manion Minna Chop Suoy Voptoohios tomb Shoots loos Sprouts Weser Chosinott Chow Melo Noodles Chinese toed Molasses COlvift4CiOt45 sA7: 11 3 00 114111 11 4- Cm 00 1 1 -(014Wavetil glE3 on cot )y --7- f- It sst I) iii etv 1 7 'IT go Cu gerAboiigtit -1401Atorapoildroo011: 9t) i eliv7 50441 Candy Sewing couttate! 4 I Nuts er -1- Jewelry e-v'' Cards Cigarettes i Your $300 Value Imperial Chest will be the talk of the town An ornamental dispenser of cigarettes or candy a hideaway for jewels Distinctively engraved in authentic kitili Oriental design Decorative teakwood matching base Ad justable interior partitions Irsorxtr In Jade Greets or Oriental Red Styron olio Oriental Node EitEF DeLuxe Cji3p SAY USE IN'S COUPON TO ORDER YOUR IMPERIAL CHEST Conlon Combo -Pelt Meatless Dinner Chinese Mond fox I Evanston Illinois Chop Suoy Psi DE Moose send me Imoorial Choate For oath theft I ono mt Vegotoblot 'IN: (lsiet $123 inss StOMOS pleats) nd I label fro any Clines Maid tomb Shoos -ti prod bt 0d I me i lot tell $123sofuod Bala Sprouts 4LT de '0 NAME Weser Chestnuts cinemor- ADDRESS Chew Mein Needles ez emus 1----" 1 1 CITY AND STATE Cliinese toed AISVMor EF71 I Molasses NINO rd41 CMOS liA0E GIEEN 01 ORIENTAL REM CliCti ONE '1' I 1 1'441OIN -41 1 Fleas allow 3 weeks for delory Th4 offer may be witldrews without prow Wee SW litia I 170011 'N41-s' 4' gairct6f 's gtx I 1 6 A Ink1''n 6 1:1 -'4 'In 1' in l': 4 AZ'''' i 1 i 4 A et 4 tlflttateg4 A 1 voitt 2 Pz7'tliis iiiiiiiiiik 4- 'A 4 7 stk 4 1nord 1-44-4' 1 '144 Ali i 4n if373 'TItoora'Ak 4:: cA 6 k4-4 i co*ker Head Is Animal Speaker Here -w Simitar to illustration 0 illustration Choose From Bow Or Curved Front 4-Drawer BACHELORS CHEST it Sturdily Built I Plastic PLATFORM ROCKER you you all are any ular can 1 1 JI 1 1 I I I I I r1) I 7f) Ili tRINESE MATI7 BRAND "A luxury In taste only" tRINEsE MA1I7 BRAND "A luxury In taste only" 95 Every home needs extra storage space and this lovely bachelor's chest can be used in living room bedroom or dining room Hurry only 12 to sell 95 Reg 2995 Value WOODIAVIN'S PRICE 111111111)100 1111 4 '29 A Reg $1995 Value Eldlith 251511 PLAZA in 2 1 0 MIA A RINK I SUPER ARKET 1 a 11 Save On WESTINGHOUSE At WOODLAWN FULL 40" SIZE Speed Electric Ranges NT Inge Dr John A Barry Jr who recently became president of co*ker College will be the chief speaker at the Charlotte District co*ker Alumnae luncheon to be held in Kuester's Dining Room at 1 pm Saturday The Charlotte District is corn: prised of Cabarrus Catawba Cleveland Gaston Union Mecklenburg Rowan and Stanly 1 Counties according to the chairman Mrs John Wolfe of Charlotte I Miss Josephine Erwin of the I Hartsville college staff and treasurer of the co*ker Alumnae Association will tell of the recent activities of the association Miss Betty Barnes a former Charlotte Central High School student and winner of a Fiftieth Anniversary co*ker Scholarship will tell what has impressed her most about co*ker i A business session will feature election of new district leaders 1 Greetings will be brought by 1 Miss Martha Little president of the newly organized co*ker Alum: nae Club of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County Mrs Walker Murray of Charlotte will Intro duce Dr Barry Mrs Murray is secretary of the general co*ker I Alumnae Association IMMMMIEEMON tlIESTIrIGHOUSE FED BEEF HEAVY WESTERN GRADE A CORN 79c STEAK T-BONE SIRLOIN BONELESS ROUND LB OPEN THURSDAY 9 PM Reg 19995 Value S1 9 5 teliteo44 4grsD 4zq7N3 ft 410444141011- 7 5 7 BONED ROLLED ROAST MIMS ARMOUR'S A ST SMALL 2 OR WHOLE LB YOUNG TENDER BEEF LIVER LB 55c 43c LB19c HOW 0 ti 1 4::::0 COUPON MODEL 1111 cnieurl LEGS THIGHS BREAST LB 59c LB 69c Good Only THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10th ARMOUR'S STAR AND YOUR OLD RANGE OVEN SIGNALITE TELE-GLANCE 4 HI-SPEED UNITS CONTROLS LARGE STORACE DRAWERS BACON RED BAUD FLOUR 10 tiBkG 85c ALL BRANS MIK 3clgs 35c RED CHERRIES NCOAN2 19c THIN SLICED LB 33c WITH THIS COUPON ZEMIN TV for '56 3 HONORED BY ADULTS ONLY Limit One Per Customer AMERICA'S Greatest Value Sensation! Mill Official 1 Accepts Post 1 GREENVILLE SC lughes has been named manager Aragon Mills Aragon Georgia unit of United Merchants and i lanufacturers Inc according to 11n announcement made here Wed- icsday by Roberson Jr leneral manager Fabric Produci tion Division Illiughes formerly with Springs Co tton Mills and recently with 1 eI iton Bag Company Atlanta has I ady assumed the duties of his position now Many Wear 1ALSE TEETH rit Al(Powerful Porlabl J1 or LI 11 LGE EARS JET TUNING DESIGN "HIDEAWAY" POWER CORD 20000 VOLT CHASSIS HANDSOME CABINET DESIGN "HIDEA 20000 V( SHORTENING CRISCO FRESH CORN 3 FRESH CRISP 3 LB CAN 19c LETTUCE A 25c 14c LARGE HEAD I ONa See ZENITH'S Better Picture At WOODLAWN! See ZENIT With More Comfort IPASTEETH a pleasant alkaline Mel-acid) powder holds fole teeth firmly To eat and talk In more portion just sprinkle a little FAS lifirrn on your platen No gummy IOW pasty taste or teeline Cheek' jlete odor" Identure breath) Oat I ASTEETIL at any drug counter EASY BUDGET TERMS! SCOT TISSUE 2 ROLLS 210 PAPER IIAPKIIIS 10o CATSUP DIE4LoVENoTTETLE- 19c CATSUP Dili I RA-SONED w1911 titteorf i I Pita 0 GsH ELTLE pp61111113 urt cw7( 89c RA-SONED 4911 eltleorf Poo lb VIMODIANIE FIEEMMIE BIG even'Amalrids BIG TOMATOES 10111111-01Eo HAND PACK LGE NO A CAN i 15o nAmo LGE NC busiress I I busiress IR 52325 '125 3615 Boulevard compApv Store Hours 9 am ate 9 pm Except Wad Sat 911m to 6 pm EIVEMEMEMENNEMEMINIORIISESEPAINERININ 1111111M1101111111111111111111111111.

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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.