The Courier-Mail from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (2024)

in and LATEST and MOST Brisbane only exceeds the combined circulations of gives the FULLEST every part of the Globe. 2 MAN 1915 published outside RELIABLE news from The PUBLIC LIBRARY, ANY TWO QUEENSLAND DAILIES Courier, of the "COURIER" this office. edition Joses 306 THE REGULAR CIRCULATION THE "COURIER" 1, 1915. DRAPERY AND CLOTHING DONNELL EAST'S. The in fairer than a The Millinery th.s season are Sailor shapes most timce predominate; and, if not the Sailor, then the smart Military shapes are n-la-mode.

These new early autumn THE Sailors will become uniAMERICAN they suit most every face. versally favored, because SAILOR That apparent Stiffis the ness" is, of couree, purely RULING American, but its daddy effect cannot be dented PASSION for all that. The Sailor Models now showing, both 111 our Windows and the of are distineLive in style, in ming, an effect. Everything's in harmony, bar the price; and that's surprisingly and agreeably small. Variety now at its best.

DO come and see them A FLOOD OF CHARM GOES WITH THESE MODELS Black Glace Silk Sailor Model, with that chie effect. Good, comfortable crown. Prices, 15 6. Black Panne Velvet Sailor Model. trimmed with band and ends of White Silk.

Another model, trimmed with add trimmings. Price, Velvet Sailor Model. stitched brim, soft crown, band and bow of corded wit bon. Comes rich shades of Royal, and" Navy. Price, NEW UNTRIMMED SHAPES.

The Latest and Best Shapes, in natrnored Blue Velvet Hata: a wide variety of Lovely Shares, such as Sailor, and Militarr effects. Price, Unt rimmed Pagel Sailor Models, with extended side brims. A Wine wing Effect. Found in Black, Burnt, Royal, Navy. Price.

THE CHARM OF OTHER MILLINERY On three different entis prior to this we're listed Mollinthe First order, could aueroach it for style. so we Act. and many persons have told ns since Of course, we've hut a wonderful response result, Alt thar, the dentor just wow in one "Salon of Dress" is 4 thing apart. Te be correctly and fashionable attired you ought to sea our showing. Me DONNELL EAST'S, LIMITED, "The White Store," OF 402-414 GEORGE-STREET, BRISBANE.

BR BR BR BR BR BA BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR BE BR BR CARRY ROBERTS' BR BR BARRY ROBERTS' BR STORE NEWS. BR BR STORE NEWS. BR BR BR BR FOR BR BR BUSINESS BR BR PR SKIRTS, BR BR Serges qualitications that have demanded the necessary the BR by BR Business Girl are now being shown in our Dress Section. BR Serges that give faithful sep BR BR Vice and are dependable under BR almost any conditions. Sergea BR that make plain, good-looking BR garments that retain their amart.

BR ness and bus like air. Serges BR BR that stand the stress of every- BD BR day use, and abuse not for good, BR BR but for longer and better than BR most varieties do. BR For instance. BR. BR THERE'S CRAVENETTE BR SERGE.

BR which in absolutely waterproof, BR and looks sheds good, showers and is like 10 a inches duck. BR BR wide. pure Indigo blue which BR will always be the same. BR THE YARD. BR BR OUR TAILORING SERGE BR another busmess favourite, BD being of fine.

firm texture, which retains little or no dust, BR BR 56 inches wide BR RR THE YARD. BR FINE COSTUME QUALITIES BR BR in smooth, soft finish, reliable BR color. and strongly woven. BR RE 46-INCH, 56-INCH. BR BR 42-INCH good service- BR BR able cloth, bold weave, and fast BR color, BR THE YARD.

BR BR 44-INCH SPECIAL. BR BR The best value at the money BR in the eity, pure Indigo, and BR bold weave. BR THE YARD. BR BR BR BR RP. BR BR BR BARRY ROBERTS' BR RR BR BR BR DEPARTMENT BR STORES.

BR BR BR BR BR BR BR RR BR BR BR BR BR BR BR RR BR BR BR SLEEPING WEAR. Women who pride themacives on the appearance and quality of their sleepingwear and underclothes have these garmenta made of FERGUSON'S LONGCLOTH CALICO. It in pure cotton, every inch, and has delightful soft finish that appeals to one's sense of quality. Washes and wears excellently. Will not shrink.

SEE FERGUSON'S NAME ON THE SELVEDGE. JAEGER UNDERWEAR. The coolness and comfort of "Tregar" Fine Pure Wool Underwear for Summer has been proved over and over again. Summer weight "Jaeger" in cooler than any Linen or Cotton wear, while it protecta from chills when the thermometer drops suddenly. Obtainable Draper and Mercers.

MEETINGS. SHIRE OF TOOMBUL. A PUBLIC MEETING for the purpose of forming RIFLE CLUB for HOME DEFENCE will be held in the Shire Hall, Nundsh, on THURSDAY EVENING, 11th March next. The chair will be taken at A o'clock sharp. All men between the ages of sixteen and wixty are eligible for memberwhip, and are invited to be present.

W. LIONEL CHILDS, Chairman Shire Hall, Nundah. 25th February, 1916, PUBLICATION. -NO. DRAPERY AND 17,823.

for at tranamission the by Genet port CLOTHING. DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. FOY GIBSON'S GREAT SILK VALUES. SILK AND SILKEN TEXTILES strike a dominant note in world of dresses this season We are fully stocked in the latest designs, weaver, weignts of this ever-beautiul material. BLACK CREPE DE CHINE, the most fashionable material, 44 inches wide.

Also White, BLACK CASHMERE DE SOIE, a Dull Sutin finish, clinging effect, BLACK SILK POPLIN, bright Silk finish, 44 inches wide, Yard. BLACK SILK and Wool FOLIENNE, 44 inches wide, BLACK SILK and Wool Crepon, 44 inches wide, Silk Spots, Stripes, and Floral Effecta, BROCADED SILKS, lovely designs, wide range of colours, including Black, NINONS, SILK FINISH, soft, clingy, for overdresses, all colours, including Black and White, 42 inches wide, VESTING SILKS, in Corded and Plain Grounds, also Taftans and Tinsel Designs, the correct colour touch for cont trimmings. From to ROMAN STRIPED CORDED SILK, in various colours, 20 inches wide, A very fine selection of high grade BLACK JAPANESE SILK, also WHITE. heavy weight. free from Impurities, Smoke PRINTED JAPANESE SILK, colour design, spots, and stripes on White grounds, 23 and 27 inches, BLACK AND WHITE SPUN SIT.K, in Stripes, for Blouses or Dresses, wash well.

20in. DOUBLE WIDTH BLACK SILKS. Blank Paillette, inches, 6.6. Black duch*ess Mousseline, Black Mark Oriental Satin, Mack duch*ess Grenadine, Black Tafetta Chiffon, ASSAM SULK. We are making a line disnlay of theme Silks at very much reduced prices.

Heavy weights for drecapa or conte. elean, even weave, PLAID VELVETS. for vests or coat trimmings, in a nice range of colourings, FOY GIBSON PTY. VALLEY, BRISBANE. BUILDERS MATERIAL, ETC TENDERS.

IN the CO. Matter of of PHILIP Brisbane. FRANKEL chants, in Vol. Liq. TENDERS are invited for the Purchase of the Stock -in-trade in above matter, THE STOCK, which consists of amounting to Asbestos Pipe Coverinz.

Steel Split. Post Pulleys, Hangers, Gilbert Wood Bottle, Pulleys, Wood, Shaft and Auto Jacks, Blake's Boiler Feed Pumpe, Hand and Power Lift Pumps, Vices, Pulley Blocks, Hand Post Drills and Belt Stretchers, Pickring Grindstone Governors, Frames, Post Forges Hole and Vices, Diggers, Hammer, Adze and Steel Hoe Handles, Bushings for Iron and Pulleys, Stocks, Dies, and Taps, Brass co*cks, Valves, Gauge Glass Mountings, Spanners and Wrenches, Cast Iron Pulleys, Shaft Collars, Plummer Blocks, Pedestals and Wheels, Steel and Brass Wire Tube Brushes, Hammers, Emery Wheels, Cotter Lina, Metal Thread Screws, Bright Bolte, Tools, Plyers, Chisels, Tube Expanders, Saw Spindles, Pipe Cutters, Kemp's Lanterns, Wells Oil Filters, 0.1 Cans, Knew Filter and Spring Filters, Perth Gauge Glasses, Eruso, Clever Mary, Manganesite Paste, Canvas and Rubber Hose, Miner's Picks and Shovels, Brass Wheel Valves, Ashton's Unions, Foundry Brushes and Tube Serapers, Sheet Packings. Injectors, Lubricatora, Grease Cups. Files, File Handles, File Cards. Pressure Gauge, co*cks and Syphons, Speedometers, Spark Plugs, Auto Pumps, Engine Packings, Litofuge, Grinding Mat, Brazing Lamps, Hack Saws, Tapes, Belt Fasteners, Belt and Wad Punches, Twist Drills, Bifurcated Rivets, Leather Heels, Half Soles, and Chair Seats, Leather Belting, Balata Belting, Woven Hair Belting, Cat Gut Belting, and Lace Hides, Roko Belting, Ewart Chain and Attachmenta, Hex.

Bolts and Nuts, Square and lex. Nuts, Rivete, Band Saw, Saw Seta and Swages, Waratah, Babbitta and Plastic Metals, Circular and Vertical Frame Saws. Oil and Gas Engines, Boiler, Hand Lever Punching Machines, Lovos, File Carding, Petrol Fillers, Hand Saws, Steel Shafting. and Tool Steel. Stopskal, Pump Separators, and Extra Parts, has been, for the sake of convenience of intend.

ing Tenderer, divided into different series, each of which con be tendered for separately, but prices and conditions being equal, preference will be given to any one tendering for all. STOCK SHEETS and CONDITIONS OF TENDER can be seen on application to the undersigned, Eagle-street, Brisbane, where Tenders will Close on MONDAY, 8th March, 1915, at 3 o'clock p.m., and may be wired. G. S. HUTTON MACFARLANE, Liquidators.



for the use of the Commonwealth Military Forces Full particulars may be obtained and sealed samnles inspected at the Offices of the Ordnance Stores, Petrie-terrace. G. F. PEAROF, Minister of State for Defence. Brisbane.

TENDERS are invited for the erection of Two story Hotel, opposite the Railway Station, Gympie, on the Otago Hotel site Tenderer are to state time required for completion. Plana and specificationa may be seen at the Otago Hotel, Gumpie. Lowest or any tender not neceswarily accepted. Tenders CLOSE on the 12th March. J.

GIERKE, Gympie. TENDERS in writing are invited at Noon, on 17th March, addressed to Mr. Charles Gunne, Criterion Hotel, HELIDON, or Richard Gailey, Courier Building, BRISBANE, for the purchane of 45 acrem 1 rood 28 perches of good Agricultural Land, having long frontages to the Toowoomba-road and Rocky Creek, 8 little south of HELIDON. It in roughly fenced and thoroughly cleared of weed and prickly pear, being Resubdivision of subdivision 2 of portion 6. 15 county of Churchill, will parish be of Terry, years, desired, allowed for repayment of the amount offered bearing 5 per cent.

interest on unpaid annual balances, for further particular apply to the above Charles Gunne Richard Galley. The highest or any, tender may not ily be secepted. newspaper 1 12 DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. C.

BEIRNE BEIRNE co. T. BEIRNE co. THE LID IS OFF THE PARIS HAT BOX FOR AUTUMN 1915. "While Autumn, nodding o'er the yellow plain, Comes jovial on." Poor, sorrow-laden Paris Some of her modistes nave moved to London.

Others are still holding the fort in their own Parisian Salons. All are cheerful and bravely keeping the "Business as usual" flag flying. The common cause in which we are both engaged will give to the entente cordiale 1 deeper and tuller meaning. It will find practical expression when patriotic Queensland Fashion lovers view the Millinery Models prepared by the deft lingers of their Parisiau Allies. ADVANCE FOR AUTUMN 1915 NOW ON EXHIBITION.

Daintiness, smartness, distinctivenes, and Berne value are all gaily blended in the forlowing UNTRIMMED SHAPES. In Black Velvet, at 8 11, 10,11, Bluek Glace Silk Hats, untrimmed, Black Glace Silk: Hats, ready to wear, White Pallette Sulk Hate, with Navy Glace Underbrims, trimmed ostrich teather ruche, Black Velvet American Sailor Shane, with military braid band and bow, Velveteen, White Felt Ready to Wear, Amart shape, trimmed ribbon band, Exceptional value in Suede Novelty Hats, smart, dressy, serviceable tor motorans, eyeling, Driving, and all sporte. You cannot wear them out, the usual price ot these grade bate was We secured a parcel under exceptional circ*mstances: the colors aTe Grey, Sase, Champagne, Royal, Lime, Tan. Copper, Some have split brims lined silk, others single britas; some in plain suede, others in crocodile suede, all one price, Ostrich feather ruches, wide, tibre, good quality, Saxe, Black, Champagne, Winte, Purple, Pink, Colored Ostrich Feather Ruches, in Purple, Lime, Cream, Grey, Gold, Black Feather Flat Mounte, various shades over white. 33 White Marabout Mounte, Numidi Mounte, similar 10 Osprey, in its soft dressy pearance, Violets in Bunches, Small Black or White Wangs, pair White Silk Imitation Osprey, 1 each.

Black, We ate showing special purchase of fashionable Ostrich Feather Mount-, we are ing them at about wholesale cost. White Ostrich Feather Phones, with back ridge of black Numidi, White Ostrich Feather Flat, with two small black ostrich tips, White 8,11. Ostrich Quill Mounts, White Ostrich Feather Bandean, with two white tips, Black Ostrich Feather Ban. den with Numidi mount. Good quality Lemon, Champagne, of Pink Ostrich Fenther Pandeaux, with two tips, Black Ostrich Feather Bandean, Ostrich Feather Hussar Mount, Black and White, and White Ostrich Curven Feather finished with Ostrich Feather bow, Good Black Ostrich Plumes, T.

C. BEIRNE 00., 00., 00.. T. C. DEIRNE "The House of The People," THE VALLEY, BRISBANE.

HIGGINS'S IS THE PLACE where the people participate in the liberal distribution of a young firm's determination to make a paine for itelf. FLANNELETTES. 27 inches wide Cream Flannelette, dozen. 35 inches wide Cream Flannelette, dozen. Come and have A look At the flannelettes.

This invitation is backed up by convincing value. T. J. HIGGINS The Price Reducers, Queen-street, BRISBANE. EXCURSIONS.

p.m., for Redeliffe only: THURSDAYS and SUNDAYS, 9.30 a.m., for Redeliffe and Bribie. Leaves Redckffe MONDAYS, 0.15 a.m. All Refreshments on Board. MOONLIGHT WEDNESDAY, 3rd MARCH. EXCURSION S.8.

KOOPA leaving Kennedy Whart 8 p.m.. Returning to Town about 10 p.u, Refreshments on Board. FARES: Adulta Children 6d. WAMEROIAL Telegram morning REDCLIFFE-BRIBIE EXCURSIONS. 8.S.


LASTING IN CHARACTER. The very kind of Furniture you may pin your faith to the kind you may depend 012 give a lifetime of service. We know it to be good Furniture through and through- the first eat of the in the seasoned timber to the final rub of the polishing pad. The wormkanship is first-clacs, faultless, and faithful. No matter whether you require a Diningroom, Drawing-room, OP Bedroom Suite, a Wardrobe, or an odd Chair or two for the kitchen, we can supply it at a price far below what you'll pay elsewhere.

A visit of inspection incurs no obligation to purchasecome in to-day FOR THE DRAWING ROOM. Well Made Drawing Suite, in figured Silk Tapestry, with loose Cretonne covers. This Suite comprises one stylish settee and two tub shaped arm chairs to £15. FOR THE DINING ROOM. Silky Oak Suite, with litt-out seats, covered in Rexine, 8 piecca.

Golden Oak Suite of a 8 pieces. with close seats Cabriole supports. Fumed Maple Dining-room Suite, of 8 pieces, with loose lift out seats, covered in Lackawanna akine. English Oak Dining Suite. of 8 pieces, with loose lift out seats.

Silky Cal: Piece Suite, covered in leather FOR THE BEDROOM. 4-foot Silky Oak Bedroom Suite, with best Oval mirrors. Nice 4 foot. Bedroom Suite of Silky Oak, with shaped reflecting mirrors. Another nico 4ft.

Suite is of Silky Oak in a special design, with best bevelled Othera at and SIDEBOARDS. Sit. Silky Oak Sideboard, in a very quaint 3ft. Gin. Walnut Finished Sideboard.

Sft. Fumed Maple Sideboard. Beautiful 5ft Silky Oak Sideboard, of substantial All Furniture is carefully packed by expert packers, and we allow 5 per cent. in the of the value of the order towards carriaze. DEPARTMENT -THIRD FLOOR.

MeWHIRTER'S. THE VALLEY-BRISBANE. 'Phone 3160 (10 lines). MAYFAIR RIBBONS ARE THE RAGE. Pick up any of the Southern Society papers and see how Ribbons are being used by all the Smart Dressers.

Note the styles and colourings, then come to MAYFAIR. You'll see the Very Styles that are all the rage in Melbourne and Sydney for sale in our store, Such is always the case at. MAYFAIR. Rich Silk Merveilleus Ribbon, 44 inches wide, in Saxe, Lime. Bamboo, Tan, Brown, Royal, Cherry, White, and Pink.

Price, 104d. yard. All Silk Merv. Ribbon, 5 inches wide, suitable for Sashes or Millinery 11 Tan, Royal, Saxe, Sky, Lime, Brown, Black. White.

Pink, Cherry, Emerald. Price. yard. Silk Corded Ottoman Millinery Ribbon, 5 inches wide; in Kingfisher, Tabac, Lime, Apricot, Royal, and Navy. Price, vard.

Silk Moire Ribbon for Sashes and Bows; in Cherry, Saxe, Tan, Vieux Rose, Jan. Pink. Roval. Price, New Plaid Millinery Ribbon, 5 inches Wide, in new and effective colourings, such as Saxe. Lime, Cardiral, Royal, Emerald.

Price, yard. Rich Silk Millinery for Sash Ribbons, with Satin Roman stripe effecta. 6 inches wide. Price, Silk Floral Millinery Ribbon, with Moire stripe border, 6 inches wide in White, Saxe, Tan, Cherry, Royal. Price, yard.

New Black and White Plaid and Check Ribbons, with Satin Stripe effects; 6 inches wide. Price. yard. Rich Silk Millinery Ribbon, in Ombre, Moire effects, with Roman stripe border in Saxe, Royal, Tan, Jap. Pink.

Price, New French Sash or Millinery Ribbon, rich floral effects on light or dark grounds, 9, 10, and 12 inches wide. Price, yard. AY FAIR. Edward-street. C.

D. SPERLING. Proprietor. GOVERNMENT ADVERTIsem*nT Department of Public Works, Brisbane. 26th February.

1913. THE METROPOLITAN WATER AND SEWERAGE ACT OF 1009. It is hereby notified, in compliance with Clause Section 30, of the abovementioned Act that Hia Excellency the Lieutenant -Governor in Council has approved. of the following Order. W.

H. BARNES, Secretary for Public Works. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Executive Buildings, Brisbane, the 26th day of February, 1915. Present His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in purmance oi the provisions of "The Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Acts, 1009-1912," having duly approved of the purchase of land at Newstend, described an subdivision 1 of resubdivision 1a of subdivision A of portions 58 and 61, parish of North Brislane, county of Stanley, having an area of 2 acres and mode, and of the plans, specification, of the buildings to be erected thereon for the storage of cement and other material, together with tramway and jetty for giving access to wich land by rail and water carriage, at total cost estunated not to exceed doth hereby order that the Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board shall be empowered, and the mud Board in hereby empowered, to purchase the said land, and to construet the said works. And the Honourable the Secretary for Public Works is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly. E. H. ABELL, Clerk of the Counell.

THE Best Soap for Pimples Blemishes is Puritol War Soap. It also leaves a film of Puritol War OW the skin, which preventa the drying and wrinkling of the skin canned by best, tc. Brisbane found In railway stations a leading hotels quarter, DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. SHIPPING ADVERTIsem*nTS APPEAR ON PAGE DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. JAMES, HEASLOP'S HEASLOP CENTRE.

SONS, A remarkable instance of the luck that goes with baldne-, exemplified here. Last July we received offers to purchas: TI expensive line of Navy Serges and Witte Jap. Silks. Although we could 10L foresee the trend of fashion at that time, the offer. on our knowledge that these the prices were 50.

low that we snapped serviceable goods are always saleable if the price is right. Then the war broke out, The Kaiser promised to eat his Christmas dinner in Paris. The French seat of Government was removed. The Parisian fashion creators were threatened with destruction. BUT the Kaiser WitS rude enough to forget.

his appoiutment for Christmag Day -the Parisians once more set their facile brains to work, and the decree for SMART EARLY AUTUMN WEAR NAVY SERGE SKIRTS and WHITE JAP. SILK BLOUSES, Could anything be more opportune than this low priced purchase which we have just opened up, To make ordering easy for country cus toners number each line, and it will he sufficient to mention number in your letter. No. 1. 30-inch Indigo Navy Serge, yard.

No. 2, 40-inch Indigo Nary Serge, sard. No, 3. 40-inch Special Indigo Serge, yard. Nix.

4. 40-inch All Wool Navy Serge, yard. 40-inch Priestley's 1 Femous Navy Serge, yard. No. 6 42-inch Priestley's 1 Famous Navy Serge, yard.

No. 42 inch Priestley's Special Navy Serge, yard. No. 8, 46-inch Priestley's Special Navy yard. 54-inch All Wool Suiting Serge, shrunk.

yard. 10. 56-inch Special Suiting Serge, soap shrunk, vant. No. 11.

50-inch All Wool Cheviot Serge, yard No. 12. Minch Famous Roslyn Sp Serge, sari. Now for the JAP. SILKS, direct from the best.

mills in land of the Geisha. No. 1. 20-inch White Jap. Silk, 6d.

yard. No. 2 246nch White Jab. Silk, 01d. yard.

No. 3. 27-inch Wiste Jap. Silk, yard. No.

27-inch White Jap. Silk, 16 5. 27-inch Special Jap. Silk, It the following MIX supertine qualian graded weights of texture, all 27 No. 7, 8, 9, 10, widthe 8 0: 11, yard.

No. 12. 27-inch Ivory China Silk, yard. No. 13.

27-inct Silk Crepe, yard. No. 14. 27-inch Ivory Silk Crepe, special, yard. No.

15. 36-inch White Jap. Silk, of superb quality, vard. 16. 404nch White Jap.

Satin, yard. We always maintain that discriminating people can dress fashionably without ex1 ense this list is one more proof of our argument. JAMES HEASLOP SONS, HEASLOP'S CENTRE. STANLEY STREET. SOUTH BRISBANE.

FOR THE MOST PART CUSTOMERS WHO VISIT US TO LOOK AT THE GOODS SPECIALLY ADVERTISED AT OVERELLS' LTD. ARE SURE TO MAKE ADDL TIONAL PURCHASES BEFORE LEAVING. A special line of Ladies' Nightdresses, trimmed neck of insertion. tucked front, and finished with Dead10g and ribbon, SPECIAL PRICE, Another line of Nightdresses with gquare yoke of embroidery, square neck. SPECIAL PRICE.

Two other Ladies' Nightdresses, different designs, special extra weave longeloth. AT Ladies' Strong White Calico Underskirts, with three rows of Insertion and Flounce, finished with row of lace, VERY SPECIAL VALUE, A Good Calico Underskirt, Lawn flounce tucked and oue row of embroidery. SPECIAL VALUE. QUALITY CONSISTENT WITH GOOD VALUE. OVERELIS LIMITED STILL FIRST FOR DAINTY FOOTWEAR.

Just arrived. 4 choice range of dainty shoes, selected in England by our managing director, and made specially for us. There are only one pair of a size, so are strictly exclusIVe. To those ladies who desire something very, smart in footwear this offers a splendid opportunity. THE LAST WORD IN MASTER BOOT CRAFT.

THE CELEBRATED OMEGA BRAND, London's best and latest styles in ladies' shoes. Ladies' Merry Widow Tie Walking Courts, light, flexible pump sole and shaped heels and brilliant trimming, finished with circular patent collar. PRICE. PAIR. Ladies' Glace Kid Open Baretta Walking Courts, light, flexible, pump soles, full Louie heels, finished with brilliant ornaments.

PRICE, 156 PAIR. Ladies' Glace Kid Baretta Crossstrap Walking Shoes, with flexible pump soles and light Cuban heels, finished with brilliant cluster. PRICE. 146 PAIR. Ladies' Glace Kid Open Walking.

One- Courts. light. flexible pump soles and smart Cuban heels, finished with brilliant ment. PRICE. PAIR.

Ladies' Giace Kid and Patent Strap Two button Shoca, light flexible pump moles and neat Cuban heels, finished with neat ornament. PRICE. PATR. To our Country Customers, these goods are posted free to vou Write Today, Tomorrow Comes. OVERFLLS LIMITED.

MEETINGS. FROOWONG AND DISTRICT RIFLE DEFENCE CLUB. Citizens of Auchenflower, Taringa, and Toowong are reminded of the MEETING to be held THIS EVENING At 8 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall, Toowong Objects of Meeting To form Rifle Club for men between the ages of 21 and 00. To discuss the Miniature Range question. It is hoped that every man will look upon it as his duty to attend this most SOME APPEALING UNDERWEAR SPECIALS! Dainty Underwear, the better kind, such as you would expect to ace and buy at ALLAN STARK'S, has just been unpacked and discloses all that is new and pretty in mi underwear.

In choosing this merchandise for you we had an eye to comfort and durablity as well as price. PRETTY MUSLIN CAMISOLES So daintily trimned with Val. lace and insertion. PRICES, and PLEASING CAMISOLES Guipure lace trimmed and insertion. Very dainty.

PRICE 12 6 and EFFECTIVE CAMISOLES Nicely trimmed with fine Val, lace and embreldery and insertion. PRICES, 36, and FINE MADAPOLAM NIGHTS! Have square neck of very pretty point edge embroidery. PRICE. and CALICO AND MADAPOLAM NIGHTS! Beautifully trimmed embroidery and insertion finished tucka. PRICES, to CALICO KNICKERS Nicely trimmed embroidery and lace.

PRICE, and MADAPOLAM KNICKERS! Trimmed with embroidery and lace and insertion. and finished with pin tucks. PRICE, to ALLAN STARK, QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE. This first Monday Morning of MarchWith all the eventful happenings this year has so far seen, nothing could be MORE UNUSUAL than the splendid offerings at FINE DRESS GOODS that await you this morning AT GILBERT'S! They are just right. between-season goods of a good quality, fresh, fine, novel, and new! So that their low Price is not the only attraction.

Come and see these first! "THE" inches NURSE wide. CLOTH! "THE" ASSAM SILK! 31 inch wide. So Here fashionable and 80 sought after Now! in the width that you want. 34in. -almost one yard wide- as you know, cuts to such an advantage.

Test the quality you'll by find running soft it through your fingers, it and supple, with a fine lustrous finish. SPEOTAL AT vard. In better qualities, same good width, Black. Regular Price, SPECIAL AT DRESS LENGTH OF FIVE YARDS. JUST OPENED Fine qualities in smart pencil stripe Serge Suitings for Ladies, in Navy with White, White with Black.

42in. wide. SPECIAL AT CHARLES GILBERT Drapers to 'Value-Wise' Women." QUEEN near Bridge, BRISBANE. splendid fabrie for costumes, child's dresees, rompers, stronger than a cambrie-slightly heavier than Zephyr and absolutely fast in color. In stripes, checks, and hair lines, on grounds of Saxe and Navy.

Also plain Navy. SPECIAL AT Dozen. "THE" RATINE CLOTH! inches wide. of which 80 many of our customers are talking abont. We still have the following shades in the same good Quality sold heretofore Tan.

Champagne. Biscuit. Nky, Rowe, Tabac, Pink, White, also BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ONE EVENING at the Supper Table folks who gathered found a surprise in the way of "REX" TAM PATE They were so delighted with its piquant flavoring that it now has a regular place on their tables. Such is the storv in countless homes.

Spread on bread and butter, biscuits, or toast it is fine, with malading it is even better. Rex" Ham Pate is made from Rex Hama, finely ground and seasoned with spices. Sold by all Grocers in handy tina. Make eure you get "Rex" Brand. FOGGITT, JONES, Curera Hama ard Bacon.

Packers of "Rex" Pure Food Products. Makers of "Rex" Smallgoods. 0 STOVE POLISH, A 0 T. STOVE POLISH No rubbing. STOVE POLISH Lasting.


White Wm. Anta Street, and Borers esterminated, years insurance given against them. Laquid and Powder Cure sold. CHEAP SPECIAL CURE FOR PEAR AND WEEDS, Bugs, gas. Roaches, Process Silverfish, Clean, and destroyed by dead cer tainty.

'Phone 837. T. H. CONVEYANCER, DOUGHERTY, 28 TOWN HALL, QUEEN-STREET. VIVA Tonic in the best for recuperating tired and exhausted system iu a hot climate; it supplies the ingredients neces Gedden, Georges CHAPMAN COMPANY.

Queensland's Shopping Centre, QUEEN-STREET, BRISBANE. THE ADVANTAGE BELONGS TO YOU. FORESIGHT! What a crisp, business word -getting an advantage "by seeing what will probably happen in the future, and ACTING AT THE MOMENT. WAR WAS DECLARED! At once Chapman' cabled big repeat for newest lines in Hosiery and Gloves. These, just opened new, clean, have just been put PRICES.

on the counters AND AT THE OLD This is where foresight counts, and as a result WHERE YOU GET THE ADVANTAGE. Remember The prices for this new stock are the same as before the war, -no exploiting Chapman's say 40. Ladies Black Transparent Lisle Hose, double welt, Black Lisle Hose, extra wide top ed, Black Lisle Hose, embroidered coloured or silk clex, 3,0, to 4.6 pair. Morley' Sanitary Black Cotton Hose, Wolsey All-wool Hose- -most dependable, 2 6. pair.

Indiana Cashmere Hose, pair. Morley' All-wool Hose, with silk 07 coloured clox, 3,11, and 4 6. Tan Cashmere Hose. with or without elox, White Lisle Hose, with Cashmere sole, Ladies' Lace Lisle Hose, in White, Tan. and Black.

neat designa, Black Cotton Hose, with wool feet pair. Black Lisle, Wool feet, pair. Children's Tan or Black ribbed 2-Hose, all sizes. to PREPARE FOR THE WINTER. Get SOX" a line which will be most difficult to procure later on.

"Slumber Sox." in Natural and White, 23. Night Velvet Grip Suspenders, in White and Colours, Single, pair. Double. Foster Pad Suspenders, If it's it's the best CHAPMAN COMPAPSY. "Where first you find the latest." QUEEN STREET.

BRISBANE. TENDERS BUILDERS MATERIAL, ETC TENDERS are called for the STEVEDORING. UNLOADING, CARTING, and STACKING of $50,000 TILES, ex the barque "Antonio Padre." lying at Adelaide Wharf, to the site at the back of Victoria Hospital, Grey-street, South Drisbane. Apply WUNDERLIOH STEELART Valley, Brisbane. PUBLIC NOTICES.

DU BLI NOTICE THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Notice is hereby given that ARTHUR SYDNEY PHILLIP3 has been appointed REGISTERED AGENT and ATTORNEY for the above Company in the State of Queensland. as from March 1st, 1915, and that the Registered Office of the Company on and after that date will be situated at Queen-street, Brisbane. RICHARD RENNIE, General Manager. Sydney, N.S W.

February 25, 1915. HOME DEFENCE. The Citizens' Volunteer Movement Committee will hold their First Meeting in the Town Hall. Queen-street, Brisbane, on MONDAY NIGHT, 1st March, at 8 p.m. Also the Conveners of the initial meeting are asked to attend.

All Brisbane Sporting. Athletic Bodies, and other institutions are cordially invited to send a presentative. Business urgent and important. H. S.

BERG apd GEORGE CUFFE, Joint Hon. Secretaries, pro tom. You can become a Hypnotist in few hours' time without leaving your home. You can sway the minds of other. control fellowship and affection, cure discase and bad habits, gratify your ambitions, and Mammoth produce Illustrated amusem*nt by the hour.

My Lesson on Key to Hypnotism, which I send free of charge and postage paid, will tell you all about this marvellous science. It contains beantiful and artistic engravinza, and shows you just what Hypnotism is and what it will accomplish. Send for it, and learn to Hypnotise. Remember, this wonderful book costa you nothing. chance of a lifetime, Write to-day.


Pitt-street, Arday. TN THE SUPREME COURT OF QUEENSLAND. IN INSOLVENCY. In the Matter of WILLIAM SPIER, of Brisbane, Accountant, an Insolvent. NOTICE TO OREDITORS.

Second and Final Dividend, at the rate of 1d. in the £, is now payable at this Office upon debts proved, F. W. MOLE, Acting Official Trustee in Insolvency. Treasury Buildings, George -street, Brisbane.

25th February, 1915. MRS. O'CONNOR, late of the well. known Beenleigh Refreshment Rooms, has taken on BELL'S CAFE, ENOGGERA. FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC.

Cp to 16 words (not to exceed 3 linos), once, or three consecutive times, PREPAID. A weekly Beautiful any single nickel-mounted article of bedstead furniture for on eusy teruis. Rhodes furnishers, Wickstreet. 116 DEPOSITS weekly silky oak sideboards, bedroom suites, ice chest, 43: cot and bedding, wire stretchen, with bedding, box ottomans, Rhodes Wickham-street. chests, deswine-room couches, spring senta, wahstand, marble top, bedroom suites, 25; sideboard, wardrobes, ware, to 83: pictures, deposits 107.

weekly Rhodes. Wickham-street, railway stations and LEARN TO TIONS FREE. FINNEY'S SAMPLE SPORTS THE THE IRON. TOILET ROOF FINNEY, The ARE SELLING TO-DAY SPORTS COATS. They are a safe, sure, satisfying investment for the coming season.

Advance fashion announcementa predict that the Sporte Costa will be more than ever popular this year, and since the out-of-doors world beckons to the woman of a these Sports Cont link chic with practicality, They embrace all colours and designs, and the prices range from to or in silk up to COATS. Fleecy Woollen, with Raglan sleeves and patch pockets, and strap at back. Striped Woollen, single breasted. 4 large white buttons, patch pocket, facings and deep cuffs of self material in white. Fleecy, with cap, hand muff and motor scarf to match, relieved with self material in imitation ermine.

American knitted, with deep revers, patch pockets, roomy armholes, strap round waist, smoked pearl buttons. Tweed Conte, in brown, navy, dove grey, tan, cherry, Wedgwood, with deep revers, collar of black velvet, Ragian sleeves, broad belt at waist, and fancy buttons. Shot Silk Moire Antique effect, single breasted, patch pockets, relieved with band of plain self material. Colnured Sills, in plain shades, single breasted, msct sleeves, patch pockets, relieved with black deep coffa and large collar of black silk, belt at pack. Sill: Maddy Sports, with wide revers and largo deep collar, sash to match.

In Silk, single breasted, five large self buttons, patch pockets, front facinga, cuffs, and belt at inck, of striped silk, two effect. la Checked Silk, cuffs, front facings, large sailor collar, and strap at buck, in plain shade to harmonise. Shot Striped Radian Sports, single breasted, patch pockets, sash to match. O'CEDAR MOP 14 the ebannol to domestic and Come to the Demonstration just incide the main doors. The Mon cuts thouse work in half.

costa a mere IMPERIAL SELF HEATING CHA KorE 2054 ON Another great saver, performe ing a lug ironing for one penny Using naphtha or benzine. Always clean. always hot, easily regulated. and easy to Ms. Invaluable for travellers.

PARLOURS for ladies on the showroom floor. Specialists in all branches of Hairwork and Massage and Manicure, For men, just inside the main entrance. down the stairs, with Specialists in shaving and haircutting. Tobacco section at hand, with every known brand of tobacco. cigare.

and pipes. GARDEN CAFE. Luncheon a la caste from 12 to 2. Dainty Refreshments all day, ISLES. LIMITED, Drapers of Queensland.


form a Wynnum South Branch of the Hon. W. I. Barnes's Election Committee. THE HON.

W. H. BARNES has been invited to be present, and will addresa the Meeting. All Liberals in the District are cordially. invited to be present.


15th COMPANY. ARALY SERVICE CORPS. NOW BEING FORMED IN QUEENSLAND. Immediate applications suggested from ex and present members of A.AS.C. and others for enlistment with this new Company for SERVICE with the AUS.

TRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. Preference given to men with Military Training and to members of following trades: Wheelwrights, Butchers, Wagon Builders, Grocers, Saddlers, Bakers, Harness Makers, Clerks, Farriers, Producemen, Blacksmiths, Cooks, Motor Mechanics, Horsem*n, opportunities possible for pros motion, Apply personally, or by letter immediately, to Army Service Corps, Headquarters. Petrie-terrace. ALBERT L. J.

MADGE. Captain. A.D. of S. T.

LICENSED VICTUALLERS. Up to 16 words (not to exceed 3 lines), once, or three consecutive times. PREPAID. AT SHAMROCK HOTEL, VALLEY. Best accom, for visitors, five min.

walk to Libition, two minutes from Brunswick-et, Stu. tion. Only the best brands of liquors dispensed, stabling, billiarda, Mra. D. Culley, proprietress, Lachange Hotel, 10 the heart of city, convenient Central Railway principal wharves, theatres, and Botanio Gardens.

Accom. unsurpassed. Hot, cold bathe. Tariff moderate. Special arr.

per. bourders. First quality liquor, Tel. 1908. Billiarda.

Landa Office Hotel, near Parliament House, Brisbane, healthy and select position. Splendid accommodation. The beat of everything, under personal supervision. MANY management BOROUGH. Miss Casey, Office late Hotel, Brisbane, under O.T.A.

house, centrally situated, every conveniexcellent cubine, sample rooms, billiard tabie. RUDDIES enlarged Royal and George completely Hotel, Valley, refurnished Briefint-class modern residential hotel, large bedrooma, lounge, sitting, and smoke rooms, electric light throughout, hot and cold plunge and shower baths, septio tank system, kitchen under AD efficient chef. Terina, per day per week. NOTHING is so narassing 88 a superabundance of fat on the body. Many remedies are made for this, but none to work so well and so harmlessly La C.

Herba. SHOULD difficalty be experienced procuring this paper regularly from Newspost card addressed the MANAGER BRISBANE NEWEPAPER 00., BRISBANE,.

The Courier-Mail from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.