The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

0, of 3 THE TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1868. 11 the to Ber published, price and RESIDENCE, 26, Bedford-place, W.O, -To Public Companies, Morchanta, Solicitors, be LET, Furnished, MAX OREGER'S pure HUNGARIAN WINES GALATRA In 1867-1868. COME TION of WHEAT. PRODUCE, IMPORTS, and and BOARD separately, CITY oth BU IT KN -To of be superior with light immediate OfFiCE 1 in asenion, a together or with the until the adraplage middle of of April, bed rout ONE on of ground these and superior door MANSIONS LUCAK Mincing-lane, and 1, Old This One Bond-street, WINE can be B. R.

the Deke of J. H. and On. BOARD and RESIDENCE for gentleH. N.

R.R. the of in I vol, men, Weymouth frat tion, font, close to the Bank of England and Royal on the the White and Druce, 20, Brook had in gond order, old, and fragrant, lee S1a. the dozen, Purity of fen. cloth, four or air rooms, strung rooms, and on be Furnished, See the of the -W. HENRY CHAPLIN ARUISE Be.

of J. H.M.8. MILNER 0, W. BRIERLY. in An escellent CENTURY.

PETERS Miter by ELIZABETH TALE M. for SEWELL, the Author XIXth of BOARD and and and Metropolitan RESIDENCE, Railway, for a Good bed gentleman, room, near office second on door, the sis third offices, door. with Particulars strong room, had and of water Massrs, Norton, and a light with unid large the reception end of April, or later, stable, I 8a, FAMILY Agents, White RESIDENCE and and Cu, Beneath Charing-cross CHRISTMAS Station, Entrance, 10, HAMPERS Villiers-at, of GALATEA Amy Herbert London, Longmans and Co. drawing dining in cheerful house Apply Warney, and 64, Old eity. Brook-street, Grosrenor-aquare, assorted WIN E3 in GALATEA in 1567-1868.

-GOSSIP: fop. Series of price Familiar Kesays on (Full or -A Indy or gentleman the trustees of a publie institution, for re investment of a fund be LET, of these Furnished, destrable plication to PHYTHIAN and and 100. SONS, 64. A Importers detailed of list wiper, post tree spirits, on and ap. Tilestrations and Just puffished, in to the bousekeeper, 7.

terrace, A. W. TREEHOLD GROUND-RENTS WANTED, by for and SPIRITS quality) are now ready PRUISE R. of K. Interest M.M.8.

by of all Full of adventures, M.A., Words Rector and of their Peculiarities By the Rev. W. L. bath room, offered and the I betal abore in table. a Apply to of London.

Large Peck- of lars, about to 216,000, Meers, Must Dowsets he and clam Chattell, property. 294, Address full particu- the RESIDENCE, Parliamentary with excellent ONE stabling. of the -Agents, White and Droos, Liqueurs, 432, West Strand, London, with and Waltham, Hints London, bani-rye. Rider, Hanson's library, first week in No. 20, Brook street, UINEA SHERRY, pale or golden, 21s.

per dozen, GALATRA in 1867-1868. with Portrait and trice 10, cloth, and RESIDENCE. -Ladies destring an January, WANTED, drawing room, dining, and sis or sere bad be LET, HOUSE, Furnished, bess- A sound, or 64. full-bodied, per gallon, serviceable imported wine, direct free from from Jeres unnatural de la spirit Prontera. of Furnished, by the ARTISE R.

R. the Deke obtainable Much fruti nefal EMINISCENCES of FELIX eligible real would find the abore, in Neighbourhood. between £160 and 2200 a your, for Biantford-aquare, nine, de Regent's 11 Inostha tifuily fut a appointed; year, or for stabling the long if required. a medium- Agents, White and Druce, acidity. Forwarded carriage free by the importers, PHYTHIAN and our colonic sewrally is those a pertinal which BARTHOLDY a and Artistie WALL A CE Zeta, principal Roberta' square library, in Hayewater, Apply, by letter and real name, to situation preferred.

Cambridge-terrace, Address T. Bruish, care of part. T. No. 20, Brook street, Grosvenor-equare, SONA, 472, West Straod, W.0.

are from the German by Lady With and Osborne- villas, -To the LEASE of a OLD PORT, 2s. per dozen, or 124. per gallon, imvisits different Tasmania and provinces, wherein Sooth the Wales his. and Letters to English London, and RESIDENCE. -A lady, residing, Hrighton, house estate agent, 30, capital HOU8K, this excellent be SOLD, position in thorough ported direct from Oporto shipping.

An excellent, statements chiefly refer the stent, Notting-bill, close to Metropolitan Station, wishes to mues with on LEASE, has the of ground door and the extra rich, full-bodied wine, recommended for invalids requiring genuine in of the land, manufactures, climate and In (uniform with the alone lo with 100 LADY to BOARD ber. References exchanged. -R. 5., post office, A WANTED, pair, room story. Apply to White and Drupe, 20, Brook-street, and nutritious wise.

Forwarded carriage free by the importers, unfurnished HOUSE advantage a spacious and without interfering with the Kensington-park-ros-l, W. containine not lest than eight bed roots and three reception PHYTHIAN and 434, West cure to RESIDENCE town rooms stabling for four horses, large garden, and from 10 to 20 acres Strand, W.0. for valnahie addition the book. Morning Series of BOARD and REQUIRED, in of meadow land; within two miles of a rail way station. and 20 miles DARLIAMENTARY SESSION, 1869.

-Mr. THE TOWER-HILL elegant, dry, This Principles Questions and Answers, Kaplaining, (cheerful for lady and two daughters. About £40 per of London. Great Kastern, Great Northern, South-Kastern, Donaldson has to LET, for the ensuing Parliamentary Session, pale SHERRY, shipped by a first-class Cadiz firm, and highly ape He the Quern, THOMAS of London, Architecture from the Partiest Times, By annum each. Two bed References -A, Parnell'e, 63, South- Brighton Railway.

Address C. Hyde-side-house, Lower FURNISHED RESIDENCES of in the following squares proved, 334, per dozen (bottles included, The vibe in quarter GALATEA in 1867-1868. In Lonemans and On. ampton-rom, W.0. ton, N.

and their every Berkeley, class Portinan, Cavetlian, Hyde- casks and octaves, of and gallons -WILLIAM LAWTON, ARTISE 1. 18. the el Intersperard with fingerial 16ma, price 6l. cloth. Riviera or 154 bound in morocco and RESIDENCE (superior), with separate MOTTAGE, with Stable and Paddock, WANTED, park, Portland place, and For particulars and cards to view wipe merchant, 35, Trinity Tower-hill, E.

C. details history and of the POETICAL WORKS, Illustrated sitting room. A married couple or two ladies can be received in to RENT. Immediately less than Ave miles north of Loadou. apply at his 1, Langham-place, Regent-streck, TAVEZA (C.

SHERRIES. To the Nobility, of the manners and customs of thest in- with Wad the house of a strictly private family, in the beat part of Full particulars to Q. Jack's, post-ottos, Glower street, The LEASE of ONE of Gentry, and These tine old WINES, pale and gold, not think the most opt trader will be inclined (inh Uniform with Engravings from Designs by Members of the Ricking Route large, No children. Address A. High within 15 miles first-class MANSIONA, with extenaive stabling in the rear, at 36., and 454.

per dozen, cannot he excelled at the price, an i may with the quality or quantily of the material pro the Miniature Illustrated editiona of Lard and (WOUNTRY COTTAGE WANTED, to these SOLD, with an banador, Member be had of Gho. BATTOUCK and SON, vice merchants, 4, Longmans Lays of and Ca, neient and Moore's Irish Melodies' mouth of (superior), Great Portland 51, Wey. of London, and two of a station. Must have good stabling and of be Parliament, banker. possession.

sc. Is It has would large suit and lofty rereption rOOms, street, Waterloo-place, A RESIDENCE am Date Coloured flius In 1 vol, 1, 400 above Names of Places, close to the Regents park, the Metropolitan and all the Or would be purchased. preferred. Apply, by letter, to D. 8, per Grosbanz- numerons best and bed rooms, and offiors for a large THE PORTLAND-PLACE SHERRY.

per of street, Portland place, cornet garden; with paddock Reut from £50 to 250 H.M.S GALATEA in 1867-1868 of 61. comprising 364. GENERAL 61. half places of amusem*nt. A -Clarence-gate.

linera talle The kept, above Terms IS mo erate. OFFERED, street, E. less 50 bliab carda to pent, view in of perfect Mr. decorative Donaldson, and agent, 1, substantial Langham-place, repair. Terina Regent- and cases dozen.

A included. pale be wine, tasted 5t fur from any the gentleman's casks in the table, cellars, bottles of 54,000 and ARCISE of MILNER, Chaplain of the Vessel, and o. W. KITH EASEHOLDS, for terms not than years. street, W.

samples sent free of charge. Price lists, prepail. -J. BA KR and SON, be illustrations which a born ita pages ad I elition, revised to July, 1867. Resend comparison with true home comforta (where only ladies are received).

WANTED, tO INVEST £.5,000 to £30,000 la good LEASEHOLD ST. GEORGE'S -The wine Ind, Great Por land athlet, W. the London, M. Allen -Daily Newa Lamion, accurate Longinans and Co, of 114 orb com place, Upper per week. laker-street, room, pleted PROPERTIEA in town of subur'a.

particulars The forwarded purchase would be cotn- Inng LEASE to be SOLD of 0NK of these fashionable EMILION. delicious, pure CLARET, delimost compete and existing gazetteer Terns 7a: A anali 164 Address 2, Hanoverp*rn in January next Full 54. to Green For full particulars and cards to view apply to Mr. DonaldNEW ty Mr. R.

R. -Just published, la crown and RESIDENCE PARTIAL WANTED, and Son, 8t. Michael'a-bouce, Michael' sailer, Cornhill, will vered free in free 184, the vin good or frota EDITION Loni immediate attention from the son, 1, Lancham-place, Kegent-erreet, W. the dozen, delin rel in England by Mess, JOHN ARTHUR GEORGE ROUTLEDGE and SONS price cloth, by a city gentleman, in a Christian family, of good position. Neigh- purchaser.

Mr. Donaldson has to LET, and of 10, rue Castiglione, Paris, and 21, Qual des Chantruns, Bor that about to Leue editoe of By ROBERT B. HOLT. By the heath, Lewisham, F. Cross, Greenwich.

Highest RESIDENCE WANTED, PURCHASE, or of these comprising desar. Samupies suppled. bourbouds New to take Lord in fortel Kynwith, 1 and other same Pooms in crown price Royal given Krohange, and K.0. required. Addreas C.

care of Pottle and district between Glocostershire with eariy votry the or within twelve mouths, in the to three on rootua on the ground flout, tao drawing rooms and nine bed PORT and XEREZ SHERRY, each 25s. Author, LEASE, ONE itself. printed on papet, and bound in London, Longmans, and Fast Coast, and not floor nearer rooms, usual domestic ollion. Ren: £.00 per anuum, or the Lease per dozen, inclusive of railway carriage. We Val.

1. of the Series The 1 the Green, and BOARD and RESIDENCE REQUIRED, by two London than 15 miles The house to have ou the ground large recommend these Just published, in with Two Maps price 160. ladles, in a comfortable rivate family (with cheerful anciety! or stains, drawing, and breakfast route, with all kitchen otticu 000 woah. be old. Apply at his 1.

-HENRY with conSuenor, aud ten to be scut be vines, specialities guarantee early in Lud. story of bed roomna, also ac. The ate to be dry, -To be SOLD, with posses- BREIT The abl Co. and 3. of the FRENCH in INDIA, from the large bel room.

Incisive terns per annum. stables, estabilabe-1 18.1. Priors current of ani spirita free on a Licati tor CHRIST TRYE of Pondichery in 1674 to its Capture fo 1761. Full particulars to X. Y.

care of Mr. Mills, 30, St. James's street, well-beltere! with timber, and to be under 15 acres to estett, with son, the LEASE of ONE of these fashionable TOWN Lieutenat4-Col. d. K.

MALLISON, Bengal Staff Corps One of the By Brighton. space for gariena, and to be capable of being perfectly drained. Apply All BIONs, with extensive stabling. For terms and cards to view apply to LD MARSALA WINE, guaranteed the nnert THE LIBRARY, containing 12 dis- tinportant works to W. Wilkinson architect, Corubrook, Manchester.

cach most connected with Indian history which has RESIDENCE Mr. Donal son, 1, Langham-place, Regent street, W. ported, tree from acidity or best, and much superior to low-priced 14 stamps George gr ani peared for -Friend of India. London, Longmans and Ca. widow lady, desiring companionsh wi-hes to meet with -For SALE, FREE- Choice sherry.

old See on Terms Use cash. guinea Three per dozen rail sp- and communications will be confidential. Dr. Druitt's Retort Wines dozen. published, price reutlewoman, of quiet habita, to share the comforta of her to LET their HOUSES, Puruished, are invited to HOLD RESIDENCE ani 13 acres of occupy- There carriage pail.

-W. D. WATSON, wine merchant, and 13, Great in DARLIAMENTARY Pamilies wishing part-like land, Roumilion, per-dozen. at -LANE PERISH CHARITY, and POOR LAWS: an In- home. Large, airy bed room.

Terms 50 guineas per annun. Epsilon, send early intimation thereof Mesacn, Jackson respecttully and Graham' log a delightful position, and embracing views of great extent. comer of W.C. Established 1841. in BOOTS This beautiful toy the quiry and present State of the Poorer Classesin the retate agency department, 27 and 38.

Oxtoni-street, W. arranged offices: good stabling. double coach-butue, and other out- OLD PALE SHERRY, Amontillado Newland-terrace, Kensington. an to are 10 bed rooms, dressing room, three sitting rooms, and well. ready, price or 1y met Law elem of Relief, with -First-class BOARDING.

MURNISHED HOUSES for the WINTER bathtings. Price 22,500. Lock wood sud Sons, 6, Grostenor-street, character, pure, Very soft, recommended with Effects of Charity, and the Influence of the Poor ENGLISH and The La Sell tian. By J. H.

STALLARD, M.B, for London, HOUSE, 65, rue da Commerce, quarter Leopold, close to the SEASON, -Mean, Lockwood and Son have to LET London, W. 34s. per dozen; three dosen rail carriage Terms cash. an Improved AdministraDE SO GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. and Ca aud RESIDENCES in the localities Berkeley, -To be SOLD, choice -W.

D. Watson, wine merchant, 72 sod 73, Great Rue street, cornet LongmaDe Park Boulevanda. or longer. 61, or by post seven stamMe Math In crown price cloth, gilt edges, BRIGHTON. A lady, desiring to live in this Belgrave, Eaton, Cavendish, and Portman squares, and.other RE RESIDENCE witnio the park; eight bed and tive sitting rooms, of Binomebury-aquare, London, W.

C. Established 1841. following PARK. very Younger of, the Fifteea Years Vida ILLICH'S POPULAR TABLES, for ascertain- may Lad BOARD LODGING in a pri- parts of tow, at renta from 5 to 15 guineas per week. -4 guod ottices, ani stabling.

Held direct from the Crown for a long tern, TWENTY TWO Thousand Bottles EPERNAY Ire, vate, family, on moderate terns society ouly being street, Bond-street, at a moderate ground rent Apply to Messrs. Lock wood and son, CHAMPAGNE, Arse quality, vintage 1865, 000- musical the With lilastrationa. Leasehold, Church Property, Renewal Pines, object, Address X. 44, Brighton. ESSKS.

ATKINSON and house agents and No. 6, Grosvenor-street, Bond-street, dition, and per dozen. Supplied co approval or return (with according to the Carliale Table of Mortality, the value of Daryl. With a Colound Also Interest, Legacy, Succession Duty, and various other useful lero raluers, will information of any town or cous- SALE, RESIDESTIAL ESTATE Established over 30 years, In three dozens cases, 45 54. and LOS CABALLEROS ESPANOLES.

Un cabal- Addres 1. W. STAPLETON. cornet of Ny acre Giro London. Lougans and Do.

CABALLERO Ingles desca ESPANOL RECIBIR Addrous en Dr. su casa Bertels, cerca 24, de Rectury Londres, un try HOUSES of now which to will be be LET, included furnished (free or of charge) unfurnished, their or for PRINTED Sale, of about 1, 400 acres of lani, delightfully positioned, within 340 three Intereduced in 1833 by The Times' a Science and Art -Printing and Book bind. Now ready, in one volume price 6L, -grove, particalan in mites of two stations. The residence standa in park of actual, With Illustrationa, FORGE PETRIE, M.R.I.A., formerly Claphamn, REGISTER for January. Ottoos, 196 to 312, beautifully timber.

Further particulars of Mears, Lockwood and Thousand Magnums or Double Bottles of I'nsident of the Royal Hibernian Academy his Life and LADY WANTS BOARD and LODGING in mad, S. Son, land agents, 6, Bond -street, London. FLEUR de SILLERY d'AY CHAMPAGNE Ma K. and The Bruedwar, in Art and M.D. A family.

Terms A. 10 be LET, Furnished, for Sir or 12 months, highly im- wine, vintage, carried first prize at F.rie, Dozen case, of the YOUNG GENTLE C. Physician By the WILLIAM Ireland, No, 136, private Kensington Not a gear. W. Address, post-pald, gentleman's HOUSE, Kenington.

There four sitting For SALE, a wine, at docent, In of Physic in Ordinary to Queen in at beds), and ate and portant ESTATE, comprising superior residence, standing 1,710 10 STAPLETON. as offered 100 prizes, easisting of chymical in the University of London, Longmans LADY wishes to BOARD with a quiet rooms, eight bed roots (10 bath drowsing room, access a park of great extent, and with farm landa pearly stem magic lanterns, telescopes, packeis of ani Ca, A family time. Terms must be moderate, Refereuces to a general garden at the back, Kent, if no young children, tive acres, distant tile trom a station, in the higbest and best art of LIGHT Hundred and Sixty-enzat Hogsheads, 45 and crest albuma, ese hallanua, and books Complete vol. El or separately, Volt and 111., required. -X.

Pendere's 4.6, guineas a Address A. post-offios, 1, El wante-terrace, the on the borders of Beds and Hanta, Lock wood and Son. gallons each, PURE MEDOC. lient sound dinger far and for paintings, price 314 64. each price 264.

Vol. price 244. and library, Kensington. No. 6, Grosvenor-street.

London. Day, per dozen; worth In bond, £9. Address county, Magazine 30.. A Comfortable and cheerful HOME is OFFERED be LET, on LEASE, a HOUSE, in the main be SOLD, 3 noble W. STaPLETON, above N.

I. 40 hida, fine Pauillac, 1865, The Rroadway, bill. DICTIONARY of CHEMISTRY, and the Allied to young lady for two sisters) in a select ladled' day and within few minuted walk of Hyde-park and of the duty paki, CHRISTMAS In clots A Branches of other Metences By HENRY WATTS, of Educational Mr. adrautages baker, if desired. Tet as moderate, N.

Addres H. E. City and Bayswater Station. Rent £75. Eleven rooma, bewly repaired tion rooms MANSION, 11 bai rooms, with and stabling complete orbees rear: beid for about 37 years NATURAL SHERRY, 210 10s.

per quarter cask, a in the containing seven recapgilt price ala, seated by eminent Scientise and Practical Chemista London, Long- care Stares, 51, Houthgate-road, Islugtor, and decorated. Furniture of superior quality if desired. P. as a moderate ground reat. Apply to Lockwood and Son, 6, Groe being second thousand quarter casks sold 1 2 FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE M.A.

With 24 Pictures Just published, in 2 vola. price in, cloth, A Superior BOARD RESIDENCE for Ladies and goutlemen, NO BOOKSELLERS, Printers, and venor-street, Bond-street, -Intending and frota Xeres, Can be tasted, free, at T. W. ENS of ENGLISH ART of this CENTURY. waus and Co.

FAMILY BOARDING HOUSE, in Whibley's library, Westbourne-place, W. since September, Vintage dry, clean. pretty printe! in Leighton. Brothers THE VICISSITUDES of FAMILIES. By Sir in 10.

pleasant locality, oppusite the railway station, -Bahabof plats, good, long established ESS for DISPOSAL, watering- forward statement of their royaire as above, Onig in quarter cuks, Stationer A GROUND The book 1a an on -Daily el tion, remodelled by the omission of irrelevant chapters and enlarged CLERGYMAN strongly RECOMMENDS to Burtoc. 5, South villas, Carden square, London, N.W. be forward, upon application, their soft, delicate sherry, DOS sweet. Three-dozen cares, £3 12k. eatremely beautital.

The binding BERNARD BURKE, C.R, Ulster King of Arms. New No. place in the south of England, requiring about £1,: 00. Apply to Mr. meats to purchasers Messra DOWSETT invited to and a CHATTELL, of No.

Lincoln's TAR BRAND XERES SHERRY- -excellent, and he The pictures are copied by the tatroduction of new and interesting Narratives in fuller exem- parenta having sons in the city or at public schools a comfortable BUSINESS of the SPECIAL who LIST of GROUND RENTS Which compilacs outerous quarter-casks, £12 duty paki rover 13 dozen). -At T. W. STAPLE A will bappy to Pristine a arm deservedly famous for ruling plid ation of the main purpose of the work, to record the mete- Bosk, with a widow lady of some private means, Rail, NO lesseuold), to investors of from TUN's, as abute, Can be tasted free. at their work by -Dally Telegraph.

rabie of fortune of houses, London, healthful locality. Bev. Woulall late be DISPOSED OF. Inquire on the eligible parcels (both freehold and and Sons, the Ca, changes our great and Bruz too-road, S. W.

Address Wallis ubrary. piace, promises, Black friars-road, S. or of Gardner and Son, £300 to £30,000. MANZANILLA -This extremely delicate, highlyRenew. NEW WORK bY AGNES STRICKLAND.

In post with HOME for the SONS of GENTLE- WHOLESALE HOUSES the City. and con Teuient RESIDENCE, I Amialusta, at £15 quarter or three doven for £4 In Non. 25 and 2, Aidgate, city, E. THIRTY ACHES ORNAMENTAL GROUNDS, vintage 1861, direct from the ribejard in hands 5a: cloth, 6., Portrait of Lady Katharine Grey, and Eligies of Mary Tudor and EPILEPTIC Kentish-town, near London, in Sydenham, close to station, poultry yard, T. W.

Can te tasted free. PICTURE BOOK of WILD Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, engraved ou wood from is mediate BEAMAN, dive, light, newly-built PREMISEs to be L.ET, within 80 yards of LET, Furnished -conservatories, hothouses, dozen, 36A, Highly recommended by the iscuity. Usually charged, per THE CHILD'S Lady in superintendence of GEORGE M.D.. F. K.

C.M, Regent-street, about frowi Suit together forming a most anique and rustic Keut moderate. ANIMALS large ban and Coloured tiger book etures out. by The Kmebeim. pictures are the IVES of Chapel the South TUDOR wold Church, PRINCESSES, Suffolk, price 61., cloth, Conducted by his son, J. IL.

Beaman, to whom ail cumunications able for large show and rooms, the same warehouses, distance or offices, and can be easily Apply to Mr. J. W. Tyler, Westminster, 1860. VINTAGE PORT.

Magniticent are Aret-nute, well-drawn, well cut, Lady Jane Grey and her Sisters. By AGNES STRICKLANIA IL ust be addressed. adapted to any large busines. Apply, pen opally or by letter, to OHREE MILES- A- HALF from the tition, ripe for ituinediate use, from cask, if desiral, including but all Review, George Routledge and Sous, The Author Lives of the Queens of England." London, Lougmans NO private family, of respecta- A. Hag and 7, street, Regent street, W.

MARBLE ARCH. -Detached VILLA. 8ix bed FOOtLA dining, Octaves, £10 or three dozen tor Over 400 and Co, bility, would he glad to roseive one or two gentletion MO -To be LET, in the beat double drawing rout two kitchens, pantry, two water since pipes 1945, Address, pare comer of Conduit cot- of this 1 wine have been sold by F. W. STAPLETON gilt, VINE Just SERMONS in on fop.

the Bro. price LORD's la, SUPPER, with rate. Address U. 44, Lupus street, Bouth Belgravta HoUSE, part with of a capital Cochill, large facing ottice, the frout Royal rout. Kachange, Lease about large 10 years.

lawu servatory. in centre of quarter of an acre of walled garden. High water At- WIELD, WARDELL, and Co, Wine Merchants, NEW CHILD, HISTORY a cloth BOARDERS (either Full or Partial). Hociety cheerful. Terms mode GL.485- conch-bouss, stable, loft, aud tau's room over croquet :03, Kegent-street, street, from ENGLISH HISTORY, with 93 Special Reference to the Controversies Tunes.

DHE WIFE of a BENEFICED CLERGYMAN, Refit £46 per annum. £75. The plant, can be vice. Gas in all the rooms In perfect repair, Rest £.0. Premium £.50.

10, Adam street, Adeiphi, onlon; W. priated in molours by Kronheim. bosk a Rev, ARTHUR of the Preseut with a good private Income, OFFERS a superior HoME to two taken a at a far valuation if required. Apply, by letter only, to Mr. tor tenants fixtures, planned furniture, and ten years lean, Claret, to 844, per dozen, DICTURES by the WOLFE, M.A., Rector of Fornham All Saints, or three LITTLE GIRLA Jones, Christie south Hackney.

Apply on the premises, Gawthorpe-bous, New-road, Soetty, 284, dozen. volume Bury St. Edmund's, late Fellow and Tutor of Clare Cambridge, Restleut governess, large hover, excellent 64, road, Bootinice and The Insing. This is a book fitted to be eminently useful al the College, present crisis, garden, gymnasium, dairy, and pony carriage; High IMMEDIATE -For DIS- SCHOOL -WANTED, to PURCHASE, in the Port, to 46s per per dozeti. Price Thoroughly orthodox in spirit, ite straightforward, common- Address M.

smith, Elder, and 4, 65, POSAL, suall but improving PRACTICE, in a southern wuth of England, a PRIVATE BOARDING SCHOOL tor Deliverel Marsala carriage free discount given for dozen. cash. VELOCIPEDES: a With Descriptive Treatise of the sc. Past Big mans sense and Co. commeud it to popular mind." Rock.

London, Long- THE be of a to CLERGYMAN. RECEIVE a LADY. living Terns at the suburb. country The practice roudor would being dispose desirous of the of affair leaving on London most to reasnuable take parsiculars to T. 8., Messra, Relfe, Brothers', 150, 5.0.

OUIS having purchased largely must the FAMILY GENTLEMEN'S SONS. House must be large. Grounds ampie. Full in and A prices, 'HITES SCHOOL ENGLISH-LATIN DICTIONARY. -On Tues cuiceas a week.

end, would they would happy receive Marrial Gentleman terma, The house is el gibly situate, and otted ap with every ooo- SCHOOL -January number sent direct from growers and shippers, for nearly money, WINES in Lady. Terms four guineas. Near vet leuce, No reasonat4c offer refused if of at 000s, Apply of purchasing school tabled genuineness quality. 1 to offer them to his A DAFIa 72. Piccadilly price da 6d, day, January 19, square other Address a station of the Metropolitau sud Az'ord, 8.

Charing-crom, 8. W. gratis Ladies or gentletuen desirous a TRANS numerous friends and the publi: at the following low prices: THE HORSEMAN'S STABLE COMPANION A Use of Schools Founded White DICTIONARY, for INVALIDS. la, Kensington. SADDLERS' IRON MONGERS and others -To PER abouid apply GAZETTE for Mr.

(Registered), BIASON'S 100 good PRIVATK schools. BI- 70, W. Per dozen, in oLe or three cases, ENGLISH-LATIN bum, M. to Mr. court, MONTHLY ME detailed 14.

of Perend: tastructions ft. for Picca and and original rural and receipts Al'enhott. since op every 1560, White Laun-Kuglish the a Rector Junior of Dictionary. Scholar's Martin's, By the Ludgate, Kev. J.

on T. London. WHITE, Dictionary, and for D.D. Riddle's the of U. Use 0.

large 0. of the COUPLE, winter, favourite or wishes lady sca-side or to place gentleman, KECEIVE A requiring into physiciar, his either house coast medical of residing England care MARRIKD at of for a 2. 6 monger. be DIs Stuck and in byur trade as a rainabie, fair Manufacturer, old- valuation. and established Been Genersi in BUBIN present banda Bridle, Irou- 30 it required.

FACTORY Two square or good feet of counting WORKSHOPS Booring, houses, well use of lighted, (excellent) private Steam yard. to engine be 15 Sparking Sparkling Champagne, tiock, Burgundy. Sauternes, d' quea, 484, and to and 8 804, CATALOGUES of SADDLES, Harness, School. White's Square Junior Scholar pp. a 664, Complete price 7s, Latin-English cloth, and Englieb-Latin No.

4 comfortable Ave bome, Maria-lane, Address London. M. care of Mesari. Mariboroush, years, letter, on who the is now premises, retiring with competency. Leicester Apply, -a quare, pursually London, or No by intoutes by radi from city.

Apply to Horsnaill and Catchpuol, Wel- dull still Hocks, Moselles, 18c, Port, 364., and DRICED Stable and of Articles lington-place, -road, N. Clothing, Hrushes, con- Dictionary. Price cloth. (On January 19.) Sea-side Residence. objection to all active partuer.

in London, The wines way Ail cheques and Spurting Military Equipment, By A. London, Lougmans, Greet, and A medical man, be DISPOSED OF, in the best part of the city, GLASS WORKS to be DISPOSED OF, et-office orders Bottles and cares free: Strand 72 Picoad Ily and Alder ILLUSTRATED HOOKS for CHRISTMAS of many years experience in the care and treatment of mind work, together with goodwill, and every facility ASTORY REAL LIFK This day. 3 poet 1. HORSES, with Anecdotes of Animal complaints, residing in a beautifally sittiate villa, standing in its own lucrative in consequence WHOLESALE of the and present EXAOKT proprietor BUSINESS, desiring with to large for doing an extensive trade, Ad tress J. L.

8, Bucamaster's, Dews -Kail SUNs paid to any sta. retire, DEMARTIN' THE LOG of MY LEISURE HOURS. By an OLD Life. By RLEY HIBBERD, fa*g. With many Engravings Dow grounds, offer in it a for the reception valeting of place, SINGLE within easy PATIENT.

of to town, whom call ready -money attached. The pet returua afford an adequate agent, 46, weal the wines of the shipper and Good strongly Diabet and favourite access tiou in NUNS SAILOR now ready, at all the libraries, Clots, medallion on side, 5a. extra gilt, 6d. A book that may separate establishment is destrable, Address Doctor, care of Davies income for three partner, and a capital of £12,000 to 2.20, voo, TUENSED PUBLIC- close to a railway Wines, 264 and 224. and Love Story.

By Dutton Cont. 3 vols. warmly and carvetly mended. -Art Journal. London, and advertising agents, Cornhill.

securing to arrangements as to bout debts, will be required to station, near London. Proof paymenta about £60 per montu. 52., and 644; 844. Madeira, direct, 60 or out of the claw if merely and Partridge and THE ADVERTISER would take to the business, with the stuck, leases, fistures, ke, The pre- Long lease, low rent. Goodwill ouly £900, and valuated.

and old East Indiau, sound Bordeaus, 180. W. Brewers places him among our beet living novelisa. ACK the CONQUEROR or, Difficulties Over- be glad to of any mises include large shop and warebouss, a good dwelling-bowe, lend 2500 at present free from distillers. Apply to Mr.

John M. Dean, rive, St Julien, Faterbe, Emilion, and know and after cool recutsideration of Author and ASYLUM oF INSTITUTION for WOMEN in ADVANCED another large warehoited and manufactory, with yard, stables, and valuer, The Grove, Stratford, E. 50. Margaus, La Rose, La the Engravings Cloth, on aide, 5a With where they could Board and Lodging. and what t4e the whole beld upon long leaded, in a complete state of repair.

ARGE DOUBLE- FRONTED SHOP and 1 Laittia and 404: come, By the of Dick his Donkey 30 YEARs, have Fy Moy 1 bomas, 3 vols, tale for Daily News London, 8. W. Partridge terws be. Address A. 7.., 44, Bond street, No communication will be atten led to unless by letter coming thruugh LEI, in main thorouzhfare, N.

superior, Thomas Dunn and extra would Marston, 188, Fleet-street. Co, spien-tid Paternoster-row, and Richmond-bill, respectable solicitor. Address Me Symes, and DWELLING-HOUSE to be upholsterer's, or others Rent 4.20. and liquear merchanta, 44 Lamb's Conduit- W. 0.

ADVENTURE and NE YOUNG 9, Physician -Dr. M.A., M.D., Elia. Humphrs, solicitors, 33. Penchurch-street, suitable for a clothier's, draper'a, and Luckin, Price MILD LIFE CHAILLU. under With the PEOPLE numerous EQUATOR.

By PAUL Wood, 3. MARY UR tory HOWITT. of POUR Manor With Farm, 50 FOOTED And Engravings, the People most FRIENDS of and then Animals or, from the there original His. By A Turaish S. baths PARTMENTS, Furnished, 21, Glocester-crescent, A niabed, NNANDALE, large period as FAMILY Dumtriesshire.

may be MANSION, agreed -To upon, be finely with LET, situate, entry Fur- and No No. 4. premium. Upper-terrace, MANUFACTURING Apply to Upper-street, Candy lalington. PREMISES, within three lista good EDGES on den DINNER application, and SHERRY.

BUTLER at 240. 1801. high sobert and attention to their Engraving 0g by Harrison Weir, Cloth, medallion on side, extra gilt with bel Hyde-park- Good handsou. furnished attendance. draw.

standing in the first, a centre of a well-wuodei park. It contains two sitting to te LET. or Lease for Hale, containing Choice buper.or Pale, Go Golden, Sherry and taufl, Brown Sherry davoured) Gorilla Country, narrated for Young People, by the be conceived, Christian World, London, 8. W. Partridge and Furnished, to be LET -double rooms, saloon, dining room, library with billian! table, large bed for foreman, Dear Water communication and several railways, The Pert, from Brat-clave shippers 74.

.61 A more beautiful present for an intelligent child cannot well ing-toom door, PARTMENTS. good ruoms. cooking and rooms, dressing roots, and ample accommodation for 13 servanta, There an acre and a half of ground, sotural large workshops and good costage esta- Very choice ok Port Grounds Dr. of the World, from of the The French of Polar Vic- No. 4.

9. NIMAL Pateruester-tow. SAGACITY or, Remarkable Inci- A cousing and drawing attendance. rooms, with three Upper or four Haker-street, bed rooms, Gas excellent are Let with excellent the offices house and good stables Shootings for 16 over borses, 5,000 There of acres, will also including The be bitsbed William advertiser street, business. would city.

ant Apply object A. to join care or of take Mr. a H. share in SL. King Pure Fine Sparkling St.

Red Julien Champagne Claret and Fresh Water Tutors Edited by W. 11. G. Kingston, gilt, 7a ed. Of the few books this is the only one that we extra bed rooms -to be LET, well Furnisted.

Good reached In about 10 hours frow London, bours from Liverpool and these newly-built, extensive, roof ani Pine oki Pale Brandy the Coil, by Hayes, Author Open deuta Illustrative of the Sagacity of Animals. By Mra. C. PARTMENTS, Grosvenor-street-two floors, with large coverta, weil a preserved, and with a good stock and game. DOCK.

-To be LET, LEASE, Burgundy to HALL With 75 Engravings, Cloth, medallion on side, ba; extra A attendance house is within mile and half of railway station, is can be on Hock and Moselle to terms for young and cooking. Mrs. Bennett, 22, Grosrenor-street, Manchester, Ave hours from and four from Edinburgh. WHARfa*gE, with large and lotty cellarage, frontages and water- On recefpt of a prat-office oniet or reference any of the above can in enthusiastic of Heat, 5a. Loodon, 8, W.

Partridge and 9, APARTMENTS, Furnished, for a gentleman wiabed, there may be added a snail but good grouse moor, which Do rights towards the river and Queen hithe Dock. First rate approaches, be forwanied by and Butler, 156, Resent Lotion, 1 5 DUMB COMPANIONS about bed room, communicating. Partial board. disease has visit 1, together with excellent partriige, wild duck, and and handroto elevation. For fall particulars loquire of James spicer, 31, King's Fuel, foriginally A.D., 1667).

Lightoine. 198, OUR Horses, Cate, and Donkeys, By or, Rev. T. Stories 11, Duke street, Portiand-place, W. snipe shooting over about nine miles from the house.

For 50, Upper Thames street, or of the architect, Mr. Rowland Pure Brandy, direct from CharenteWith 15 Cloth, medallion on side, cloth extra, A PARTMENTS (superior), 13, Bentinck-street, No. further 17, India particulars street, application Edinburgh. may be made to Stuart, Plumbe, 13, Fitzroy W. importers, C.

DEVEREUX sol Co, 26, Kart India chambers, Low, Crows James W.8,. and the Price faacy boards 4. 64. It is replete with anecdotes There is scarcely a leaf drawing room, 804 two to Ava bed STATIONERY and FANCY BUSINESS (superior), Lonion--at and for premiere quails per jostage that has not an exquisite specimen of pictorial Woukly Times Rovins. House Dewy done ap and furnished.

Highest refereuce Furnished, for six months or old established, situate in one of the best localitics Dear Loudou dozen, ber pair or brown. Bottles and care nelu-led. Forwarded ITTLE SUNSHINE. By the Author of A London, 8. W.

Partridge 4, Paternoster-row, given. MOUSE, longer, in containing the best dining, part breakfast, and bourne-park, smoking very TOOTLE on superior the for present or two proprietor ladies, retiring Goodwill, eutirely datures, through and stuck about £1,:00. a As same 3a. 8d, aga an 1 44 each. or retaittance.

and of West Well lapted day order Sample bottles to Catch a A engraved tale to be frontispiece, read to and very young 6. OUR Asimals, in and Vene. By being JOSEPHINE. With 70 A Good cooking, room, plate, linen, and atten ground orst door, large and kitchens, bandsotue usual drawing those, room, six Furniture bed Shia la a genuine affair, Done bus principals will be treated with. OLD GLENLIVAT WHISKY.

CHILDREN'S PETS: Stories about PARTMENTS-a drawing well furnished, one calcured borders, vignette: roots atad dressing room, good and X. care of Mr. E. Shalless, auctioneer, ac, London-street, GroutAdmirable an a gift. London, Cloth, medallion en sida, extra gilt, 7r.

64. The Terms £1 154. per Mr. Wright's, cigabst, 55a, Glo- throtzhout and tallard piano all of the best, and inade to. order wich, 8.

K. very 4., 206 Irish Whisky, 20s. 00. KO. varnished redbreast in the binding is a gem almost ralling a paint- Center -place, square.

laid on. aD. onetian throughout carpets, do, new, and house in per- will 324, per gallon. of Portman Gas Remittances be on Morning Advertiser. Lotion, 8.

W. Partridge and PARTMENTS, in the house a private fect uruer. Three Water- loseta, Immollate posarasion. Rent, for A MILIES removing or warehousing Campbell, 154, cent-street. furniture James CHEL-: MAS a more than 9, L'aternoster-row, A of family, week.

the terms of the BEDFORD PANTECHNICON COM5 PRESENT for With TERRY cloth TALES for 3, LITTLE vilt FOLK. 44.1, Edited and HYMNS for the LITTLE ONES. dressing close to st. all George's well bath rooms, sitting, two Addruns bet, sind A. six Lea on months and sir Co.

154, guineas per street, Apply 2.C. Trains to city care every 8. 10 PANY tind (Linited) Their railway vans Address require Do Manager, pack- -Dublin Ranitation. 145. This celebrated old IRISH WHISKY gained the Prize Melal, CHATELAIN.

-The House Coupled by UNCLE JOHN. With 160 Engravings. Cloth. at Penton's later, 8. W.

minatos, and close to Kensington ing for road or rail. Prospectus of It is pare, mild, meikw, delicious, ani very sold in bottles tree. Containing -0. ther Three with Coloured Piato, gilt edges, 74. 64.

Uncle John will -second THISLEHURST, Kent. -To be on BUILD- Belfoni 81, at the Furnished LET, Motcomb-street, Belgrave- in England retail or bonses wholesale in st London, a Great the Windigill the W. principal Duck The White Cat The Charmed Fawn be popular with little people for com piling so excellent a A door, conalsting of large sitting, ted' and drawing extra ING LEASES, several very choice PLOTS of LAND, adjoining THE PANTECHNICON, label, street, Jack the Glast Kitter -Jack an the Athensum. London, 8. W.

Partridge and 9, ted rootn 1: requiresi, Good and attendance. do, Princes the common, pleasantly situate for villa residences. Apply to W. M. aguare, has no conperton with any oth-1 bu Ming assuming the the rel pink and dressing seal, cork brando! 1.1.

in Little Red Riling Hool- poster-now. Hanover cooking Sherring, bag, solicitor, 3, W.C. same nadie. All communicasions to be addressed to Mr. Kade- PERKINS.

audi LONDON and the Beast Cindet ella Princess 8. MY MOTHER. By ANN TAYLOR A Series in To be LET SOLD, COTTAGE macher, general manager. 6 a impl. pts, 24.

street, PARTMENTS, aquare, Furnished, the house or a BARCLAY. MA -The Little Fisher Boy- The of 17 Oil Pictures engraved illustrate this popular and A situate three ORNEF, Tue Elms ChapeL, on an having a good tone STORE WAREHOUSES, Bake -street Bazaar, W. per doz. Brown 74.: pints, elegantly the niter old faruurites. London, Lock.

Ballad. Engraved Borders, Cloth, gilt edges, medallion mir. utes' walk from Laker street Coine emipence, beautiful Viaduct, of REMOVED by rom! of rail, in the large 41. per doz. WINCK WORTH PRICE, and spirit and all court, side, Has here a setting such as it never had Underground Railway.

Board if required, Gas, plata, 4c. Apply including the alver and the in one and warehoused the JOHN hatsta and bottlers, 80, N. YE GRANT I NEW WORK. 14, 61.. -Bookseller.

London, 8, W. Partridge and 9, at 6, Durat4quare. the most picture-yue reach parta of of the county of hounds, riles seven and! miles drives from are HANYA, Maunger. DADRAE OOLONG, 34, bne new season's, of 00 rabe, at lowest rates. Edmon- 9.7 NEXTS and FLOWERS, Illuminated.

A Series APARTMENTS WANTED, in the neighbourhood Conchester, within from Haistead, two 10 packs minuted waik from the railway brisk, delicate for per mining with sterns, rough, and POLITICAL SURVEY. very fine and Dongias London, Hamilton, Adams, and Co. and ale of Pet and Pencil Illustrations of the Primrose, Narcious, Harrow, or Budoury (for a marrial couple without stati one bour and a half from London, A modern, comfortable, -OETZMANN at 24. 6d. and 3a.

Samples of the teas by if desired, and Lily, Rel Rose, Wondhine, Tulip, Foxglove, Janine, Near station. A tarm-Louse preferred. Apply. and ovenient residence, comprising four reception rooms (two truss DIANOFORTES for gotecal priced catalogue. F.

BY ani SoN. tea and coffes HIRE and pa do cloth extra, be relud Thistle, Carnation, Marigold. Cloth, gilt edges, in with full particulars, to Fleet-street, Loud E. C. with Eve and drewing roots, water-closet, and kiteben, 77.

Baker-st No other address, merchanta, 6. Portman equare, London, IPE: a Book for Quiet Hour. By J. CUN. to 2a.

61. The designs have great beidness and vigour." A PARTMENTS (superior), short distance from scullery. pantry, store closet, larder, two good cellars, out-ottocs DIANOFORTES for HIRE and for SALE, from THOMAS NUNN and SONS TEAS. Rail paid to SINGHAN Land rent and Literary Churchman. London, 8.

W. Partridge and Pater- Hyde-park- large, A turntabed sitting room, best bel supply good water for four kitenets loft over, guineas upwards JOIN BROADWOOD and SUNS, 34, Great say station England. Good strong Congon, 2. AL, da p.entiful of stabling homes, Price 3, roots readence. desirable fatudly or geutietnan and padlock, flower garden, carnage drive with two gate outrances, Westminster, Puiteney-street, Manufactory, 2.

101. ripe, rich Souchong, 3a, M. 3. to 6L, 3. 191.

mised al and bath for use rooms, grow's room good garden W. Horseterry-road, VATORE and the BIBLE A Treatise on the 10. HOUSE. A Book for Boys. By healthy, warm, winter -57.

Portadown-gardens, Maida-aul. For particulan and terwa of sale apply to P. 8. Brisley, PURCHASE, for the Lamb's sarue prices, A 121b. W.

C. canister free all 1901. -44 (late Subjecta, Payrios, Geology. in EMMA LESLIE. With 36 Engravings, Cloth, were A PARTMENTS.

The proprietor of STEVENS' No. 23, Lauretice Pountuey-lane, Cannon -street, E.0. Messra, But- WANTED, to the teachings at out By ontinary boy could withbold himself from reading the book if it FAMILY HOTEL, Clifford street and Hond-street, begs to state ridge and Son, 1 Mr. U. Puller, upholsterer, Head -street, £10, a SECOND HAND PIANOFORTE Apply, stating incur the risks of limited liability, by taxing Bouston and Wright: 46, in his hands.

Meliora, London, 8. W. Partridge and than be has enlarged his botel, and takes the tuust econoinical charges Colchester or Mr. Carter, Rose Inn, who' will abow the fuil particulars sa to maker, compass, to P. P.

Mr. Carter's shares in Cinl or Co-operative Store, when you cal win DOUR for the TEA 1359. Megantly Loun, edges No. 9, for board and residence, with every comfort. Arraugetuenta wade by pretaises.

baker, 3. K. 10 per cent. by purchasing KAST INDIA TEA carriase Just published, in demy price cloth, gi't edges, day or week. Best situation in London.

square. To be TOLKIEN'S THREE YEARS, and can have the goris delivered at door. PETER PARLEY'S ANNUAL for 1860. Contains DAINTING CLASSICISM. in FRANCE PHILIP SINCE GILBERT the DECLINE HAMERTON.

A PARTMENTS, Furnished (superior), Primrose- LET, handsomely Furnished, a HOUSE; containing seven bed SYsTEM, on hirer. the expiration of which 124. 6L term the piano becotnes from Company's la per warehouses, lla, upwards 9, Great Price St, lista Helen post free on application Rishopagate. at the Onioered Pictures and numerous Engravings. Ben.

of hill, Regent's-park -drawing ur dining roots, handsomely fur- ani dressing rooms, double drawing room, dining room, usual base- be property of the Planettes, £1 per quarter; plocolos, C. Hast by but 14 it Pout a very arrapha, "The book is cot only a valuable Liane, and one or more bed rooms well adapted for a warried couple; went. Term Es 8s. per week until end of March, or £350 per annum. £3 3a.

per quarter; cottages, 43 drawing-room pianos, very elegant, SEASON: TEA, per Overland Mail, 1s. 5 H. CROSTICS With Noe In ready. PROSE Coloured the fourth and VERSE. of 1610 Edited cloth, by of work the and on best art, Halliday, modern 54, French Fleet street, pleazant pictures," collection -Moruing of Post, photographs Beeley, of Jack- some or and good other omnibus piano; lodgers, to bath city.

All room, the Terma and comforts one every to of two modern home, guineas con Five per minutes' week, No from children Address rail Cards para. to view at ILL-STREET, Pouldan's agency, Berkeley Great Cumberland -The street, GROUND Hyde £4 and TOLKIEN'S 57. King quarter. William seven PIANOS -street, octaves, city. with all the Eatabliabed (SECOND-HAND), latest 37 years, improvements, which by rail way 2., PHILLIPS station or and market Co, les town pound.

in merchants, England worth or King sent Wales, on carriage Wittiam-atrret, receipt of to city, any ad. eight Thomu Borworth, $15, Jest published, in email 6d. ch th, gilt Media P. 56, Regent' park-road, N. W.

LEASE, to rent culy £90 of have been hired for a few months, pearly as good as new, A large c. Any quaptity may be had at and per Pictorial lb. 3a. post free. Loudou, THE WOMEN of the OLD APARTMENTS, with good cook- subject a per annum, a capital will be SOLD for leas than the manu- prime coffee, 24., 4, A price list free.

MANSION, with stabling, to be 501.0, in this fashionable sination. variety of first class instruments tatione seleoted from Bishop Hall, Bishop Andrew, Calvin, attendance. As 20, Queen Anne-street, Cavendish- Tbe bouse has two stone staircases, and coutains nine bed and dressing facturing prices, tor cash. Planos and prices to suit all parties -H. DURE CHINESE TEA, the best family tea 11 for a CHRISTMAS Crown estra cloth, 3a.

64., Lightfoot, 4C. With 12 Photographe after Raffaelle, Goerano, square, W. rooint, suite of three handsome drawing ronins, double dining room, Tolkien, manufacturer, :7, King William street, city. England, at 2a 61. per in packages, 6th, tins, and 14b.

FOICE AROUND; or, God in Everything. By very j-retty book of phot, graphs from very famous and come very MOURNISHED APARTMENTS for gentlemen, library, four water entrance-ball, billiard room, with two and MOORE LET on boxes. At HEW ETT8 large Chinese 14, King William. FEELION. Throughout excellent in tone; spirit popular Bertpture Satarday Berlew, Beelez, Jackson, and two rooms over, and excellent dosestic officer.

Apply to Kush worth, DIANOFORTES. MOORE for after which, street, London-bridge. opposi the M.burcent, where be the Pall of intervat and souni Luck. Halliday. 54.

Fiect-street Gloucester- Dotret-egaare, park, Abbott, and 22, Kegeutatreet, and 19, Change- HIRE the following years, largest collection of Chinese and Japanese the wals from Teris Recent's- the pianoforte a world, PIANOFORTES three Nix 5a, cloth, a third elition of alley, Cornbill, and without auy further payment Piccolon, Icines West end branch, Baker-street Bazaar Friabo a. minutes Station. moderate, whatever, Author. 56, Great price 1a. by la.

the wound edition, with VOPSLEY ANNALS PRESERVED in PRO- FURNISHED APARTMENTS to be LET- OLLAND-PARK, Bayswater, near Kensington- 3 guineas per quarter Cottage Piano, 106. per quarter Drawing- COCOA. the property of the hirer guineas per quarter con ate additional Fact and- Cava on of VERAN. Br the Arthur of Village Minionaries," These oue or two bed rooma, in a private house. -Freehold Family Residences, for investmeut or occu- room Model Cottage Pianos, £3 174, per quarter.

These instruments with of the Advertising Quack Copses Annals' Cate upon us without any previous idea shout them. No other lodgers or children. Terms moderate, Apply at 3, pation. -Messra, Radford lovite intending purchasers to view the very are warrante1, add are of the best manufacture. Warcrooms, 104 and of QUACKS and QUACKERY.

We opened then to close them again was impossible. They road, Tollington-park, Holloway. superior, detached HOUSEs they are now building for private HALE, 105, Bishopsgate-street within, E.0. Tree On THRISTMAS amenta, figures, bonbon CONFECTIONERY. crackers (including If Christmas the cap Bi DETECTOR.

Reprinted frumn the Medical to make children again. We know nothing about the URNISHED APARTMENTS, suitable for on frontager, in Holland-park. The houses are REVELATIONS to specially planned and MOORE have PIANOFORTES re- dts, wear it 'T. mnntio nata and kiss, magic Sower', French E. Regent street, author, but on the absie we hare seldom opened a pleasanter volume.

gentlemen, delightfully dtuate at Regent's- park -drawing rootn, with the view stability and comfort, are alapted for large families, turnod frow hire, at low WarervomA, 1.4 and 105, Bi bontens, English, Ge man, and French confectionery. -The The picture of Wee Jante' la perfectly exquisite. We can- with two hed rooms well furuisbef, and exceedingly comfortable, and have ail the modern improvenienta, the result of Mesara, Radford's E.C. prices. wartment in Landon, the best that be and TREATISE price 34.

61., cinth. by COMPOSITION post for 44 -tamps DEEDS remember falling in love so desperately wita a -Spectator. Apply Slark'e-crescent, long experience complete in and that de for class of buiiding. Some of the houses are and MOORE's Three to suit ail, as BAIN BRIDGEs strand, wear bopagste-street within, very can at the Adelphi Thee UNDER the BANKRUPTCY ACTS, 1561, 1568 with Forms Crown Frontispiece, 5a, a twenty-firt thousand of FURNISHED four or tve bel rooms with (Superior) ureming and -large bath application at Radford's ottice, 19, Holland park, W. Years System applies to HARMONIUMS.

104 At and 105, guineas, Bisbope 2 WLOUR (Fasex), warranted free from adulteration, on Beeley, Jackson, and Halliday. 54. APARTMENTS already Immediate nocupation. Particulars on by GEORGE SILLA. M.A..

Barrister-at-Law, SEQUEL to MINISTERING CHILDREN. By rooms. Good cooking and attendance. 9, Norto a square, Hyde park, be LET, for the winter guineas, and 3 guineas per quarter. to any part of Lon ion (ant less than carriage free Whites, 15 Daris and 57.

Cares street, Lincoln' -inn. MARIA LOUISA CHARLE WORTH. Ministering to the G. W.R. and Metropoli an Stations, months, in the best part of FURNISHED this fashionable and much ORE and MOORE extend their Three Years' pastry, per arena.

1, meal, for brown bread, Composition Deeds under the Hank ruptey gate-street within, for bnshel 41.1 reconimended for TURKISH FINASCE. pubilabed, price 61, rous thitg to attempt to continue a En popular work, but sitting room two bed roots, suitable for two gentle- ottices. Rent three guincas per week. For orders to new apply to duqu, free. -War roots 105 and 106, bishopsgate-street Withamn, Eaver, or 356, Directinns for Children' 18 a name which has won for itself a wide reputation.

It MOURNISHED APARTMENTS to be LET- Ave bed chambers, drawing room, dining room, and good domestic Bystem of Hire to Purchase to all parts of the United King- Address HORSSAILL and CATCHPOOL, Bailfoni Mills is for locality, a very elegantly RESIDENCE, containing By an Anglo-Levantine. think the risk has been justified by succes In Those then friends. Gas; good attendance. Moderate tertus, 1:0, New Messrs. Harrison, Brothers auctioneers, 13a, Chepatow-villas within, E.C.

carriage gratis. Terms cab. 40, Lu leate-bill. or think that the dangurs which threaten the Turktab who have been de ighted with the 1. first book nee! fear no disappointthe source DO as then (Crimean war).

It ment fu the -Guardian. Seelez, Jackson, and Halliday. bourne- grove, Hayswater, W. SECOND- HAND PIANOS. and Co.

SELF-RAISING Bread Without Yeast. Bond-strent, peril by which that Earpire threatened. No. 54, Fiert-street. FURNISHED Hyde-park and Sluseum.

First AIDENHEAD, Berks (near to). -WHITE PIANOFORTES, by Broadwood, Collard, which -Bread or Pastry made from this FLOUR more nutritions, APARTMENTS, Brompton main 30 can protect a ment The niuth thousand, in crown cloth, between PLACE to he LET, furnished or unfurnished. Four reception, bave been hired for ube or more de sons, nearly as good as new. Their since there is no loss of material from ferment to digest, and against rehettion in its own SECOND SERIES of SUNDAY ECHOES for door, 256, per week second, 18s, desire bed -M. 152, from 64 Brompton No estra.

ten bed rooms -C. Colman, Maidenhead. stock includes every description of by every raTes labour tonly requires mixing with end wateri. Strongly recomLjun, Nor. 13, 1578.

London, Mann, Nephew 4 Tale of the Church Large, 22, GRANVILLE PLACE, Chappell and 5u, New Hond-street. mended by the Facuity. See Dr. Hassle report. Sole manufacturer, (RE COOKERY BOOKS, published by Catechiao.

Week day By Hours: Mra. CAREY Taie BROCK, ve of Author the of Collecta." "Sunday Sceley, Echoes drawing with two, three, or more bed large, roonis clean chase-money To be may LET, on retain), LEASE, a first or Sold (if FAMILY required part RESIDENCE, of the Sited pur- A tage Piano. -Mr. DAY, Musician Ordinary to Her Majesty. street, be W.

obtained Delivered at all free to any ectahle part of London from 7d. per 14h4 WEEK-DAY HOURS: being a URNISHED APARTMENTS handsome and Collard's 7-octare Cot- under M' Dongali's patent, J. TOMLIN, family miller. 1 o. 292.

Oaford and to be had of ail book sellers: Jackron, and Hallidas, 54, Flert-street, airy. Gool cooking and Very central. Manchester-ajuare, Gas. W. Opposite with every modern convenience; onntaining 11 bed dressing rooms No.

52, Glocester-street, Brig avia, COTTAGES. is instructed DISPOSE These OF. at a in Can Free 6L Contatos bilis of fare for every day in 74, Ford's Hotel. -E. 0., 41, Manchester and bath room, large drawing room, boudoir, dining root, li rary.

great sacrifice, TWO superb Cost £121 154. costly ECONOMY in the PATENT and inval at! valescenta, and much useful tatter In price 61.. cloth, and excellent domestic off sea. Gravel soil, Apply to Mesars. Daw, pianos are guaranteed genuine, and Dew within four months, present to cookery and housekeeping, and many things THE Brothers, on premises.

ing an opportunity an advertisem*nt. gumption of teA, may be bad from ail furnishing ironda con BOOK of HISTORY in which God A lady wishes to a saving of 25 per cent. in 000- which effecta the DIVINE TWO BED with bath and seldom offered through written bonk la a todel tot utility has delinested what la how post, present, and to come and has LET DRAWING and ROOM board if desired; to ICHMOND, 8.W. -To be LET, a detached RESI- full GRAND PIANO, of mongers, and wholesale in Lotion from Murray and Lesa, An my in domes ic decide! beforehand the great questions of each eucoeed and dresing ditto, to two gentlemen, with partial or DENCE, three minutes' walk from the park ptaining three re- 7-octave patent, elegant (oval dealers, 71, Luigate-bill. Made in German silver, lated, appertaining to cookery." I lustrated LotCon of our own.

Ipswich. Laaac Taylor, in of his writings, a Beta, quiet Circus-road, St. John's W. ception rooms, eight bel rooms, dressing rooms, and excellent officer, first-rate oblique Grand Cottage, by do. very superior patent in bright block tia.

at from la. each. 14y the Ret. SAMUEL M.A.. nuali family of habita, Bituation cluse to rail and, and powerful in walnut case :10 the MElion.

Vicar of st. opinion Margaret's, that the took of Reenladon will one ultimately divide all recently doonrated, Apply at the Elms, Queen'-ni, Richmond. Grand and a Cottage, by Broadwood a Semi-grand and Two beautiful Price 24. 64. Arranged for the une of those has an URNISHED APARTMENTS (superior), in one be LET, the Cottages, by and Collard, in walnut and rose wood, All stone china, complete, SERVICES, of Cotitains cooking receipts for every meal, and between those who maintain oppose of the bent houses in Montpeiter-square, Browpion- a large and season, prarly new, reduced -CRAMER and city pieces, with too erm or creet, the truth and those who it.

In TORQUAY. for winter Collant very 864. directions for each day. A more useful little book for its this opinion cubeur. I do not believe that, without the divine lofty double drawing with two or three bed rooms all new and handsomely FURNISHED VILLA RESIDENCE, the pro- as greatly A prices, of Pianina and ware Har 24.

tea, breakfast, dozen and toilet 41. 4. in arras tumbiers, la would but be easy to did." -Morning Star. armour of this and other rophecies, aby other weapons will be elite- furnished. room, Nu.

5, Montpelier- perty of a lady at present abroad; containing three reception and nine rooms, 43, splendid stock 91. cut wine glasses, -M. LEWIS BEOWN, MA London, himpkin, Marshall and On. tual doin is against about to that particular form Preface, which p. ail.

the great Beelez, Aposta Jackson, of and Christen- Hail equate, S. ISHED No other lodger. Apply at and and and Co, careful house dressing family Ageuts it and would with be let auctioneers, at convenient a low 13, rent. domestic Strand, Apply ottices. Torquay.

to J. To C. a Stark email montumator LEXANDRE Sale, Hire, and on Cramer' HARMONIUM a three at years six guineas, No. 47, At. Martin's-lane, Dessert, Breakfast, Matching Tes, house.

and Toilet BUILDERS PRICE BOOK for day. 54. Fleet-street. APARTMENTS, Railway- close to West- A the best musical instrument other ever made at so low a price; tve FERVICES. The patterns on a complete lint nt the present prices of Just published, bourne-terrace and studied.

Metropolitan No children other one TEST To be LET, a small FUR- octaves, two pedal boards, and Every description of cut table in variety. drawing room, improvements- The stock has of the ANIMAL or two bed rooma, Comfort or lodgers, NISHED HOUSE, from the lat January to lst May. Good and 50, New Bond-street. been selected with much care, and is attirshly suited fre- -parties 15 la portant By P. of use and all of trades THOMPION, metoranda Architects, in for builder, Buliders, ion preparing with by a ediciates, building.

staff curious TION. In comipping By crown JOHN volume Bro. with shout eight rare Author of Engravings, animals Things and Not el. their th. Generally No.

Terms, to quiet party, FIRST, very P'addington. Second, reasouable. and -Y. Third Key's FLOORS; hurary, cook Grice, and 126, housemaid Leadentall-street, left. Apply London, to E.C.

Meats, Maynard, Harris, and A The LEXANDRES Exhibition added. model la now CHURCH made with 15 rosewood stops, the 35 on celeste the bining prices nishing to poreity -ALFRED choose with B. from. beauty. An ECK, 30, assortment Ludgate-bill, of quality, ornamental superior Fatahlished com- 1780.

low el 1 in To which is and added the au article application ou of the terra construction cotta and wenageries, sea ta. Andrew el to young folks, this luteresting work room, dining tel roots, bath room, fourth tour door bed if New Wimbledon. with every convenience. Apply three sears eystem of hire Co. these 50.

instruments are let at 23 J. per A DAM and DINNER SERVICES, 108 pieces, folk-lore about the brute creation, myths about FURNISHED, To be LET, HOLLY- VILLAS, having been Price in cal, 32 cr gs. concrete, discriminat- calls cond deal of knowledge which all of us have forgotten, and and a kitchen also another room on the to Mr. Staples, Merton-roal, New Witbioin. quarter.

-CHAPPELL and New Bond-street. stone China several hundred on view of the be style, from and the best methol of a would take much trouble to Saturday Review. required. Without attendance. Apply 12, Edward-street, Port- Me-st.

porcelain dessert from £3 for the table of By F. Rogers, Far, Architect. which Ha'lalay, M. -To be LET. Furnished, for five 10 per cent.

allowed for cash on all above 4 Works. and District Surveyor, and the Regula- by John. Leighton, four roomns -with attendance. stable and double garlen, ac. beau ifully situate on hired on the three years' asstem at 22 la.

6d. per quarer. No, 2, DEARCESDINSER SERVICES, 12 24., 112 pieces. of and Combinationa, in to Seeley, the house wouths, from Jancary test, a good detached HOUsK, cou- Alexandre have just adde! great to these -4. By J.

P'erry Goifrey. elictor, Gray's For Welding Presents bean ifn'ly printed in serio with Omamental UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS, in taining seven bed rooms, three ton rooma, and ortices; a three- beautiful Instrumenta No. 1, price with four can be reference Jackson, and Two bor of 406, Atchley Great and Russell are engineet- TARRIED LIFE and the DWELLINGS of the tautes' walk from the Westbourne- Westbourne-park. park Station, 1, Brestwood-ter- bigh ground, pew the i a out a mile trow the station. 60 price 35 with 16 with nine at £5 stopa, 5-.

at per £3 da. 34. quarter. instrument No. 3, price fa*gsater, two does from of booksellers.

street, RIGHTENS. Rev. W. R. MACKENZIE, M.A.

la race, For terms apply to Mr. Tow house agent, LingSold-road, Win- go, stops, quart. becomes A of breakfast, dinner, cloth. white Fellas doth. GL whit Well FURNISHED DRAWING and BED ble ion.

the property of the hirer at the ent of the yew. -CHAPPELL tea toilet services, Parian and Bisque CLIMATIC edition, much enlarged, CONSUME Mr. BROWNING NEW Jackon, Now an ready. i Vol. fep.

st A 1200M. a. Gas plate, and At Ryder street, substantially built be and SOLD, decorated, NORTH detached -LODGE, rest. RGAN: Self-acting Euterpeons, tum anal elegances per dozen. present, China, late.

prices lent wine out hire. Fleet and 50, New for LUNO DISEASES, 74. The UPPER PART of ONE dence, with el and pa the house a southern Flute Oryans, and Parrel ut Nicule, SLER'S CRYSTAL GLASS CHANDELIERS, Premen of Pulmonic Totalide JOHN RING and the BOOK. By ROBERT aspect; contains three good Let rooms, dreading room, three arrants rures, musical bores, itotnan strings, and wat lights, and for gae sod candles: in benze Lott. Anitant Physicfsn City at the ted SEt, occupying the moss eligible are command- roots, 230t.

No. 547, London. table glass of all or for Disease of BROWNING. To be completed in four monthly volumes, thorougbtare, containing 23 rooma, to te bed drawing room by dining room 20.t. by lift.

the Chest, Victor a London, Elder, and in tit* great front afford- breakfast parlour, spacious entrance hai, band some staircase, bother's PRESENTS. -The for Messrs. English and foreign. esport, sod furnishing Lon either atoly of uivded, entrances at and rear, pantry, kitchen, scullery, lacier, large iturs closela, three capital All articles marked in plain dgure. 41, don, Agents New Uniform Ataudard Ettison of Mr.

WORKS. ing every desiderata either for house of basices. or for private occu- vaulted wine and beer cellars, coal-house. an exculient double NICOLK PRERES MUSICAL BOX P. bare the pleasure to manufactory and show Broad-street, MOORS their Nature price by and port 3a.

Treatment, by new -In mot thir volumes, Novels crown 7a. 61. Eminent cach. Hands No. pasion.

6, Further street, part.culars of 1nd-street, Lock woud and Son, coach-house, with large bed root over, how used as a billiard room, beautiful announce that instruments, they have so justly recently re a for large the consign richte Dent of these Operations different from ter- Majortiahagat by Rebecca and Rowena and DRAWING ROOM large two-stall valled-to taole, 1 box, garden, barnoss well room, stocka! with with loft over, and yard: site softness of their bite tunes an prices wat he AMPS and GAS FITTINGS -EVANS, SON, and soon and To witch are a Pemarks on Adventure of the of Rhine The History of the Sext French SUPERIOR DINING rom satinwood, and walnut, trees, paddock, kitchen the pleasure garden contains young well-grown thriving trees fruit- and gratis and post free co appli n. --11 and 13 Combil Lito a STOCK onatains a of new and elegant designs the Aous, and with now Legend Revolution. IN IN and 41 Win manu- evergreens, The whole area ie 24. Ir. The furniture nay be had at CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES for the present season, and with 061 lamps, for timer cure.

JOHN PATTI- Jean's volume, with Illustrations by the Author. fac.ared to 11 Established 1795, valuation if desired, For particulars and curt to view apply to Mr. and remade as new, or taken in exchange. Show rooms, Diary SUN, and 42, and are London, H. Turner and 74.

New Bond. Complete in one London, Smith, Kider, and Co. No. 16, Charlotte strast, Fuzros equare. Me: vill Green, solicitor, ur to Maura, and Son, superseding all other, Prize medals- London, 14.

Paris, 33 and 34, King William street, F.C.: alenst frum CHARING to Worthing. 1867. Silver from 46 cold, from £15 154 Exacriptive pamphlet Now ready. Illustrated edition, MINUTES boneers, free. --68, Cornhill 500, Recent-street and 76, Strand.

NEW in -To burn any oil. POPULAR TREATISE by on pout 13 CURATIVE ELEC. FAVES from the JOURNAL of OUR LIFE in Houses. TOE Everything APARTMENTS, of chaiorat or Partial description Band, not provided. far from -48, Winchester- Parliament 'AMUEL B.

CLARK, auctioneer, house W. and estate M. F. DENT. 33 and 34, requires Do smoke winding or op, smell and -The gives a light PATENT to BELMONTINE at a LAMP co In from Paralyein, the HIGHLANDS, from 1648 to 1964.

Elited by ARTHUR sirect, Konest in square, S. pear parin azent, 4. New Catetlidh-street, Portland- has a cross, CHRONOMETER, Watch, and MAKER tO Royal elegant it choice selection of HOUSE4 for the ensuing ses-on. Particulars the Queen and to of -M. F.

Dient, 33 and of require ote no farthing per Trine wick specially will last oil, months, and and of Physical Power. HARRY LOBE, HELPS, In a The cover designed by Robert Dudiry. Price two APARTMENTS to be LET, un. on lens to vie which may te had on application at his ottice. Charles entrint.

per bandsotne voiume. 31, Back Pircatills, Londoti, cloth, gilt The been aniected, by the Royal permission, WHAMBERS wholly OF or separately the second, third, fourth 34, co*ckspur-treet, London. WILLIAM H. HONKY, Catalogue free. care of diseases hitherto will abandoned to hopeless plain from guineas, the private collection of Her Majesty and comprise Might Engrav.

floors, with chen, of No. 1, Charies-atreet, Cavendish-square, THREE GUINEA GOLD This work be found contain Illustrations have as Hir Edwin 1 Carl Hang, 75 Apply to Messra, Lock wood and Aainuel Clark has to L.ET. on LEASE ONE of these choice -GOLD DRIZE MODERATOR LAMPS, and CLOCKS.with Cases autbenticated by the highest medical ings on Steel from pictures by Chromolithir Reat of the whole, sous RESIDENCES £150. No 1, New Cavendish- WATCHES, warranted. WATCHES, four boles jewelled, H.

FRIGOUT and Co. (late H. AZT, El bee the faveur of an A Er Parre, Loco*ck, Bir C. J. William Williams, in a Bir guarantee Ranald and other and artists, ups ands Two of 60 Interior mentioned Views of in the Balmoral work.

in The on Queen wood, of No, 6, (LUB-CHAMBERS, Bond street. 15, Waterloo- street, Portland-place, Rent W. 53 from 13. 43 61.: de. to goal Ca 18 levers, 6d.

cases, Campbell's ditto, in own sliver make, cases, £13 from from 134 25 184. to spectinn LAMPS, of in their bronze, choice china, or assortment of of the newest PRESCH ani most MODERATOR elegant 1 by Hiropkin, Marshall, and London. also pleased to sabotion the introduction of a few Co, of may include be had in attendance. at to REGENT RARE YAMILY RESIDENCE, in the best timekeeper, 57 174. 61.

solid goid chains, from Li la, to 215 New Cineks, French Colza Off, for these lampe Larape 404 in the trestment of these Pisces and Persons Facsimiles Regent establishment exceedingly Samuel B. Clark has to LET. 40 guineas; ditto, in silver from 54 to the railway designs also a variety of Patent French Bascule a A by Her Majesty. London, Smith, Eider, and moderate rents which all charges for Apply terrace on the south aide, with a four-stall stable aDd coach-house. designs in jewellery from every manufactory in the world.

At Andrew and clacks re- re gilt, and -R. Frizout ani with 200 and Descriptive Osare and Illustrations, Just published, price 64. the muanager. Terms moderate, -Odion, 4, New Us vendiab atreet, Portland-place, W. 61, Cheapede, K.C.

All goods and safe by post, and tallow chandlers, 89, Regent the Royal the By W. R. 175, Fleet London, THE SPANISH CHURCH. The BERS, Hyde- DICCADILLY (in of the best streets leading THE BEST DOUBLE REFINED COLZA OIL, ILNERS' STRONG HOLDFAST anI FIRE ARTIFICIAL LEGS, potent setion limbs, which sere the prize Declaration set forth by the Central Consistory Members of the and Spanish their park, Stied with every modern to overlooking a one nobleman's private grounds). To be Si.

per gallon Palace paraffine, la, sperm, 14. 104. RESISTING Chests, Dours, and Rtzning Rooms, with Paris Great Echibitions, pronounced Reformed Church. With some account of the LET. Apply to Manager.

well Furnished, for the season, the or unfurnished, and tansparent the the progressive and recent edected after but a the Jaries in Meetings al Gibraltar on the 15th April let June, Trans- and very light OFFICES superior RESIDENOR. For particulars apply to the agrot, best dips, Yellow and experience, guard against fire and burglars 1:68. by -Lancet. Invaluable to to all who bare lost a Good Rector from of the Wonston, Spanish Haula, by the Her, London, Williams ALEXANDER Macintosh, 24, Pater- MARE LET. Apply to the housekeeper, 44 Portland-plaos, W.

64, mottled fer W.C, Lists -At free M. P. DA VIEs and SONS, Londou Sbetheld. and city, M.A.. From the author, post poster 401,.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.